Spectacular Chapter for the readers

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AN// i thought i should write a special chapter for those reading my book so this is a thank you to those reading.

I giggled at the looks on Nami's and Vivi"s face as i rolled of the bed. we only just came down to the cabins and we were just starting to get along. "And then Ace was like I'm so much better then you and Luffy is all like..." i ranted on about our childhood. It was a fun experience learning how my little bro was trying to help the princess, it actually reminds me of those fairy tales.

Nami clasps her hands together, smirking she gives us an idea," Lets play truth or dare!" Vivi had a shy smile but nodded as i gave Nami the thumbs up. "Vivi truth or dare?" Nami looks to Vivi as she shys away. "Um.. truth. Nami sighs but lets her be.

"Your no fun... Ok then um if you were to choose between your friends or people who would you choose?" I looked to Vivi as she seemed to be in deep thought. "...My people." she was barely above a whisper but you could just hear it. Nami nodds in understanding. Vivi turns to me, "Mizuki, truth or dare." I grinned and went with dare i loved a good challenge, "I dare you to... steal Zoro's swords." Nami started to sweat at this but i just nodded and left the room.

Nami's pov

Does she have a death wish i mean who would be dumb enough to steal Zoro's swords unless your Luffy then that's a totally different situation . "Vivi you are so evil." Vivi just shrugs, we all froze when we heard a scream. "Mizuki!" we said at the same time.

I looked at Vivi. "Lets promise if Mizuki doesnt make out of this alive we had nothing to do with this and we stay as far away from Zoro as physicly possible." I could hear Mizuki just thinking 'Some friends you are.' I sighed and waited this may take a while.

Mizuki's pov

I screamed as i ran away from Zoro carring his white sword he had a demon arour around him as he slashed his way to me. "I SWEAR IT WAS VIVI'S IDEA!" I ran even faster charging electricity into my feet. I ran past the kitchen to see Luffy eating a midnight snack. He looked at me wide eyed as i passed him with Zoro close behind. "Miwsufkui?" his voice was muffled by the food but i didnt stop to question him. I ran and found a cupboard i hid inside waiting for Zoro to leave. My breath hitched as he looked at my hidding spot. 

He started to laugh, I pushed against the door to see what he was looking at. I froze as i heard the cupboard door creak, Oh no, I fell out of the cupboard right at Zoro's feet. i looked at him as he glared down at me, "Your dead meat." I covered my face waiting for him to hit me but it never came, i looked up to see Sanji blocking a very angry Zoro. "NEVER HIT A LADY!" i took that chance to run away with the sword, "YOU WILL NEVER CATCH ME ALIVE!"  I ran to the girls cabin slamiing the door shut I looked at Vivi and glared, "WERE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME!?" she just innocently shrugged and we left it at that.

Nami couldn't beleive I actully managed to get away from Zoro and with his sword. "Thank Sanji im alive." i didnt sleep the rest of the night scared that zoro would come in and kill me in my sleep. I made a deal with myself to never play truth or dare with Vivi.

Vivi pov

I looked to a very distsressed Mizuki shuddering under the blankets, i giggled at her discomfort. "Some friend you are." She mummbled I laughed harder. "Good night Mizuki.... Make sure to keep Zoro's sword close you might need it later." i giggled as she wimpered and shuffled deeper in to the covers. "You suck.!" I just waved her of rolling over and closed my eyes, "Good night." Then everything went black.

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