Fake Name: Momoi
Username: @momoi_bess24
Age: 13
Image URL: http://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t1.0-9/1545052_624041770997167_277124566_n.jpg
Why do you want to join this Selca Contest?:kahit busy ako sa pag-uupdate ng stories ko may time parin ako mag salfie . because wattpad is not only a READING there's also an ENJOYMENT ;)
P.S: Goodluck pretty! || You may now promote your entry!
Selca Contest [BATCH 3: OPEN]
Ngẫu nhiênNow on Batch 3! (OPEN) Have an angelic/beautiful/handsome face? Join now! Boy/Girl/Bakla/Tomboy o kahit ano ka pa, pwede ka dito!