Contestant #4: Diannabeyb ❥ // (@BiEyeTeaSeeAych)

204 9 4

fake name:  






What is beauty for you?  

Beauty is like butterflies. They are all very different yet they are equally intriguing and magnificent. Beauty is what makes a person unique.

Do you think you deserve to win this selca contest? Why? Or Why not?  

Yes. I think i deserve to win this Selca Contest no just because i'm pretty but what matters is having a good personality :)

Why do you want to join this selca contest?:  

I join this Selca Contest because i love taking selca's. Taking Selfies/selcas was part of my daily routine. The other reason why i join in this contest because i'm bored xD

Image URL:


P.S: Goodluck pretty! || You may now promote your entry! 

Selca Contest [BATCH 3: OPEN]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon