Chapter 1

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You let out a loud, booming roar as dozens of ropes are thrown across your wings and legs in an attempt to tie you down. As you're about to blow fire at the humans, a rope is wrapped around your snout and tighten so you can't even slightly open it. You growl at the leader warningly as he approaches your massive head and places a hand on your green-scaled muzzle.

"Ahhh. . . . What a shame. You would've made such a wonderful pet." He says with a sinister grin. He calls to another human and a sword is placed in his hand. Then, he raises the sword above his head and aims for your neck. You begin to squirm around and whimper loudly. Right as he's about to bring the sword down for the finishing blow, there's a blur of orange skin and the man is knocked into a nearby tree along with the other humans.

"Y/n, c'mon! Let's go!" The familiar voice of your sister, S/n, calls out to you hurriedly from above you. You leap up from the ground and into the air, joining your waiting sister. Then, the two of you fly up into the clouds and glide back towards your cave in the mountain the humans call Mount Ebott.

You and S/n have been living in the cave in Mount Ebott for at least four years, trying to escape the greedy poachers that want you and S/n's scaled hides as rugs and such. You look like and have most of the traits of a Rainwing, like your mother, but can breath fire like your father, who's a Sandwing. Your sister looks like your father, but can't breath fire and spits out poison that can melt scales like your mother.



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(Disclaimer: I don't own these pictures! They belong to their original artist!)

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(Disclaimer: I don't own these pictures! They belong to their original artist!)

As the two of you glide down towards your cave, you feel something pierce your right wing and you cry out in pain and fear as you plummet back down towards the earth, S/n calling out to you as you fall. As you plummet closer and closer to the ground, you scrunch your eyes shut in pain and force both of your wings open, gliding into a tree. As your injured wing hits the thick trunk, you feel the hollow bone snap right as your head knocks into a boulder, knocking you unconscious.

~Time skip~

As you come back into consciousness, you open your eyes and are immediately on your feet as you realize where you are.

You're in a giant zoo cage.

You begin to blow a stream of fire at the bars, but nothing happens. You begin to pace around the cage in wide circles. You couldn't deal with cages. As you pace around, you hear someone gasp from behind you and you snap your body around to confront the person, only to recoil slightly out of shock. It's a group of small monsters! You bent your long neck to look down closely at them. There are three goat-like monsters, a fish lady with red hair, a lizard, a human, a tall skeleton, and a short skeleton. The tallest one probably reached up to your shoulder and the short skeleton probably reached up to your elbow. The tall skeleton, the lizard, and the fish lady are looking at you with sparkling eyes.

"Alphys! It's one of those huge, winged fire-breathing things from that anime you showed me! I knew it! Anime is REAL!" She shouts excitedly to the lizard monster and a throaty growl begins to form in your throat. The female goat monster hushed the fish lady.

"Undyne! Hush! You might scare the poor creature." She scolds the fish lady, who has been dubbed as Undyne. Undyne lowers her head with embarrassment and mumbles an apology to her. You hear a low chuckle and turn your attention to the short skeleton, slightly surprised at the deep voice that came from the small skeleton.

"yeah, undyne. or else she'll think you're acting a bit fishy." He says with a chuckle at Undyne's and the taller skeleton's protests. You purr with amusement and the shorter skeleton grins at you. You turn away from them and continue to breath a steady ribbon of fire at the bars, then ram into it after a while, but nothing happens.

"DRAGON! WHY MUST YOU RAM YOUR HEAD INTO THE CAGE? YOU COULD HURT YOURSELF!" A loud voice says and you turn to find that only the skeletons are left. So, ruling out the shorter one, you find out that the taller skeleton's voice seems naturally loud. You scratch at the bars and whine like a lonely canine.

"SANS, BROTHER, I BELIEVE THAT THE DRAGON IS TRYING TO TELL US SOMETHING!" He tells the shorter skeleton, 'Sans'. You nod your head vigorously and motion to yourself, then to Sans. Then you motion to the taller skeleton, then to the mountains in the distance. Sans looks deep in thought, then his face lights up.

"bro, i think she's trying to tell us that she has a brother." He says and you snort, shaking your head.

"a sister?"

You nod. The taller skeleton looks at you with excitement.

"SANS! LET'S FREE HER!" He says and you leap towards them excitedly. Sans sighs.

"we can't, papyrus. the owner of the zoo will send us to jail." Sans tells him logically. You and 'Papyrus' lower your heads in disappointment. But then, Sans leans in towards your cage.

"i'll come later tonight." He whispers and your tail begins to sway from side to side happily. You already can't wait until then!

A/n: Okay, so I've been gettin' quite a few comments saying that the pictures of the Rainwing and Sandwing are Glory and Sunny. And I just wanna clarify that they're not. They're just a Rainwing and a Sandwing. Not Glory or Sunny. Thanks for reading and sorry about the nonexistent updates! School sucks. 😅

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