Chapter 3

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"wait *huff* up!" Sans calls out to you after a few minutes, walking tiredly a few meters away from you. You stop and sigh, turning around and walking towards him, kneeling down for him to climb on. Once he does, you turn back around and continue forward.

"thanks. phew! why'd it get so hot?" He asks and you gesture towards yourself with a smirk. Sans stares at you blankly before he finally understands. He bursts out laughing and falls off of your back, but you quickly, but gently, catch him in your mouth by his midsection and place him back on top of you, chuckling a bit yourself.

"oh, so you think you're hot, do ya?" He asks with a smirk and you hold your head up defiantly. Sans laughs at this.

"i'll take that as a yes, then." He says and you lower your head back down to its original position. Sans chuckles before leaning against your neck. You shake your head with a smile and continue forth.

Suddenly, something growls from within the woods and you stop suddenly, causing the back of Sans's head to ram into your hard scales.

"what's up? what's wrong?" He asks you and you quickly get him off of your back, causing him to fall.

"hey!" He shouts in protest and you cover his face with your wing, hushing him. He pulls your wing off of his face and glares at you, but it fades away as you glare into the woods, growling.

"what is it?" He asks quietly, but you just pull him back behind you with your tail. Your growl grows louder as a bear comes from out of the shadows. As you look at it, you realize that this could be food. You dash at it and jump onto it's back, biting into it's neck. It tries to toss you off and succeeds in leaving a few gashes, but your teeth just sink in deeper 'til the bear collapses. You lick the blood from your wounds and the bear's blood on your scales 'til they're clean before looking up at Sans. He's looking at you with wide, horrified eyes. You tilt your head at him.

"why did you do that?" He asks you and you go on the other side of the bear and push it towards him, motioning for him to eat it. He looks sickened as he realized what you were trying to say and you realize that he didn't eat raw meat like dragons. So you turn away from him and spread your wings out as you skinned the bear so Sans didn't have to see. Then, using your fire, you clean up the blood and cook the meat, turning back around and handing the meat to Sans with your claw. He hesitantly accepts it and takes a bite out of it before eagerly eating the rest of it. As he eats, you sit down and also eat the cooked meat, for Sans's sake. It's actually not too bad. After the two of you finish the bear, you get up and grab some branches with your tail and mouth, bringing them back to where Sans still sat. You set some of the branches together and set them on fire. Then, you lay down and watch the fire blazing. After a few minutes, you hear and see Sans walking around the fire and he comes over to you, sitting down and leaning his head against your exposed belly. You sigh and curl your tail around him, covering him with your wing. You tuck your legs in and curl your head under your wing. The hear Sans chuckle and he pats your head.

"g'night, girl." He says and you loosen up your grip on him so he could turn on his side so he could sleep comfortably. Then, the two of you drift off to sleep.

The next morning, you're awaken by something pounding forcefully on your stomach for a moment, then it stops and you hear a sigh. You open your eyes and find Sans still wrapped up in your tail. You lift your wing and uncurl your tail from him. He remains where he is and looks up at you apologetically.

"sorry 'bout that. forgot where i was for a moment." He apologizes and you nod understandingly. You yawn and stand up, stretching your left wing and the rest of your body, yelping as your wounds stretch as well. Sans teleported to your wounds on your left foreleg and tries to heal it, but it barely closed up. You growl with annoyance.

"Why must I continue to become injured? Why must I be so weak?" You hiss to yourself angrily. You feel Sans place a hand on your foreleg and you look at him.

"you okay?" He asks you and you snort angrily, causing Sans to quickly retract his hand away from you. Then, you stand up and walk towards the bear pelt, placing it on the spot on your neck where Sans has been sitting. Then, using a piece of bandage that you had torn off, you tie the bear skin to your neck so it would stay in place. You turn to Sans and find him a few feet away from you. Your angry face melts into a soft gaze as you jerk your head for him to follow.

As you walk, you hear him slowly catching up with you and you see him walking next to you out of the corner of your eye. You slow down to a stop and Sans turns to you. You kneel down in front of him and offer him to hop onto the bear pelt. He looks hesitant and you feel a different kind of wound take form. Then, he carefully climbs on and you help him out by nudging him on with your muzzle. Then, with him sitting at the base of your neck, you continue on.

After a few minutes, you hear the soft, low snores of the sleeping skeleton on your neck. You slow down to a stop and look back at him, gently nuzzling him before continuing forth.

Heart of Fire (Sans x Dragon Reader) (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now