Chapter 2

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    You sat patiently in the middle of your cage, waiting for Sans as your ears flicked towards every little noise. Then, suddenly, the cage door behind you swings open and you leap up, getting into your attack stance and growling at the person who has opened your cage door.

    “calm down, bud. it’s me, sans.” The figure says and you recognize the voice and scent as Sans. You relax and walk slowly towards the opened door. You stop half way through the gate and lower your head closer to the ground to stare at Sans, his white pin pricks staring back at you from the dark. You stare at each other for what seems like an eternity before you break the stare by dashing off down the sidewalk.

    “wait!” You heard him call out for you. You skid to a stop and turn your head around, Sans running to catch up with you. You turn the rest of your body around and face him.

    “don't *huff* go *huff* yet!” He says, trying to catch his breath. He leans over to catch his breath and you wait, glancing around for any humans that might be guarding the place. Sans finally stands up straight and looks up at you.

    “your wing is still damaged and it refused my healing magic. the zoo has been calling me to try and heal you while you were unconscious, but it hasn't worked. so i'm gonna need to keep on rebandaging it ‘til it heals.” He says and you growl with annoyance. Then, without warning, an alarm goes off and Sans swears under his breath. You lean over and grab his hood in your mouth and swing him onto your back, much to his surprise. Then, you take off down the sidewalk and leap into the air, much to your wing’s, and Sans's, protest. You ignore the pain running up from your right wing as you rise up into the sky and above the clouds, Sans clinging onto one of your spikes on your spine. You whimper in pain as red liquid drips from your wound. You feel Sans pat your shoulder much like a human does to a horse as he speaks.

    “you need to land. your wound is getting worse.” He says urgently, but you shake your head from side to side, telling him no. Sans sighs.

    “that wasn't a question, bud.” He says. Then, before you could process what he said, you're surrounded in a blue mist and your wings are forced to your side. As you begin to fall, everything turns black for a split second before you find yourself on the ground in a forest.

    You stand up and try to open your wings, but your right one refuses. You look back at your wings to find a blue aura wrapped around it. You look accusingly at Sans as you see that his left eye is glowing blue as well. You hit him with your left wing, causing him falls off. You snort and grin at him as he gets up. But instead of him getting mad at you, he lifts his hand and drags it across the air to his right and your right wing opens up. Then he reaches into a bag that you didn't notice before and pulled out what would be a huge roll of bandages to him, but about normal sized to you. You try to pull away, but he holds you in place by your wing. You yelp as he wraps the big bandage around your wing and you fight back the urge to snap at him. Smoke begins to trail up from your mouth as you fight back the pain. Sans ties the bandage off and ties some more bandages around your entire wing, preventing it from opening. You let out a whine of complaint to Sans as he finishes up and he smirks at you.

    “well, i can't let you take off and hurt yourself, now can i?” He says and you glare at him with your piercing red-orange eyes.

    “Well, if I had my sister, then I wouldn't have needed to bring you with me.” You say in Dragon Tongue with annoyance and Sans looks at you with confusion. You snort and toss your head, shaking the pain out of your scales. You hear Sans chuckle at you and you swipe your tail at him playfully, knocking him over. He falls on his back with an ‘oof’ and you smile slightly. Your prehensile tail snakes around his upper body and you lift him up, putting him back on his feet. Then, you begin to walk towards the setting sun, an urge and feeling telling you the way to go.

    “Come on.” You say and Sans runs to catch up with you, not needing to know Dragon Tongue to know what you said. As the two of you walk, you feel a sudden weight on your shoulders and you yip, turning your large head to look. Sans had suddenly appeared on your back and was now leaning against one of your spikes. You rolled your eyes and continued forth.

    “so, bud. you're a dragon.” He begins to say. You don't say? You think sarcastically.

    “do you have any special powers?” He asks. You stop and lower your good wing down and Sans looks at you curiously. You lightly push him towards your wing with your muzzle and he gets the message, sliding down your wing. You fold your wing up and walk away from him, sitting down and curling up, tucking your head into your wing as your beautiful scales turn into a dull gray. Then, you basically disappear into the woods as you lay perfectly still.

    “wow. . .” He breathes and you purr in amusement. You uncurl from your position and the colors return to your scales. You let a throaty growl of laughter as Sans stares at your now colorful scales. You walk forward and you hear the rapid steps of Sans as he runs to catch up with you again.

Heart of Fire (Sans x Dragon Reader) (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now