Chapter 4

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I'm sorry about the extremely slow updates, but I've been extremely busy with other things and haven't been able to work on my stories. I've been trying to get some sleep, so I'm so so so sorry, swagnessisthekey23. And I'm sorry, you people who've been reading this story and my other stories.😥 And the picture above is you. Forgot to include it in the second chapter. That's all I got for now. Skylor out! And comment your thoughts (cough cough, Katherine, cough cough)

~Sans's POV~

    “ughh. . . .” I groaned as I woke up, rubbing my stiff vertebrates. I hear a low, throaty growl and open my eye sockets and prepared to defend myself, then realized that the growl was the dragon's laughter. I smiled and sat up.

~Your POV~

    You glance back at Sans as he sits up before turning your head back around. You feel Sans shifting around on your back and he jumps off of your back. You stop and turn your head towards him, tilting your head questionably.

    “i think there's a village close to here.” He says as he begins to walk another direction. You pause for a moment as you consider going on, but immediately dismiss the thought and walk after him.

    After a bit of walking, you and Sans come to the edge of the forest. As you walk up right next to Sans, you look down the hill at the small village at the bottom. And when I say small, I mean it was a bunch of tents and some small buildings made of wood. You look at the village with skepticism, but you let Sans climb onto your back.

    “come on. maybe there's some food down there.” He says and you shake your head. Sans sighs and slides off, walking in front of you.

    “c'mon, girl. it's just a small village. nothin’s gonna happen to ya.” He says and you sit down stubbornly, telling him ‘no’. He stands there thinking for a moment before giving up.

    “okay, you don't have to come, but don't leave without me. i’ll be back in a bit.” He says and vanishes as he teleports away.

~And back to Sans's POV~

    Once I teleported right outside the village, I calmly walked in, surprised to see that it was a wolf monster camp. I walked towards a woman wolf monster standing in her doorway and waved at her with a smile as she saw me.

    “hey, there! do you know where i can buy some food?” I asked. Her eyes widened and she dashed into her house. Then, a buff, bulky guy wolf monster walked out of the house with the woman wolf behind him. He glared at me and clenched his fist.

    “What do you want, outsider?” He demands with a thick Russian accent. My eye sockets widened and I took a step back as other buff wolf monsters come out of the tents and buildings.

    “whoa, whoa, whoa! just take it easy! i just need some food for me and my . . . . large friend. then i'll be on my way." I said as calmly as I could manage. The wolf monsters growled as they sensed my fear.

    “Get out of our village, outsider. We care not if you are a monster. Now leave.” The wolf monster growled. I looked around as the wolf monsters began to close the circle around me, then looked back at the first one.

    “please. i just need a little food.” I pleaded. His glare hardened and he clenched his fists angrily.

    “If you will not leave, we shall dust you.” He said and my eye sockets widened as the wolf monsters closed the circle. I jerked my hand up to summon my bone attack from the ground, but nothing happened.

    “dang it! a magic absorbing barrier.” I mumbled. As the wolves charged at me, I shouted for help.

~Your POV~

    You were laying down on the ground with your head on your paws when you hear a familiar voice shouting for help. Your head jerks up off of your paws and you quickly stand on your feet, your ears twitching in the direction of the village. Then, you sprint down the tall hill as fast as you can, pushing your wing against the restraining bandages. When you spot Sans being attacked in the middle of the village with your acute vision, your eyes narrow and you jump high up into the air, ripping the cloth with your fangs and fully expanding your wings. You quickly fly to the village and knock the wolf monsters away with your tail and wings, standing above Sans as he lays on his back and stares at you with wide eye sockets. You glare angrily at the shocked wolf monsters and roar as loud as you can, spreading your wings wide open.

    Immediately, they all back off, whispering to one another. You back up a bit so Sans was between your front paws and gently grab him by the back of his jacket, lifting him up onto the bearskin. The wolf monsters gasp with shock and astonishment and Sans sits up, looking around at the wolf monsters with suspicion. The monsters huddle together and talk softly amongst themselves. Then, from the huddled group, one of them breaks away and walks towards you and Sans. You growl and spread your legs out slightly, getting ready to attack. The monster stops and stays where he is.

    “Forgive us, dragon. We realized not that the skeleton was your rider.” The wolf monster says, bowing. You growl disapprovingly at Sans's title as ‘your rider’, but stand up straight as he bows.

    “We humbly ask for you and your rider's forgiveness, dragon.” He says and the other monsters bow down as well. You and Sans look at them with confusion.

    “why did you try to dust me in the first place?” Sans asks and the wolf monster looks up at him.

    “We do not usually trust outsiders ever since we had allowed one into our village. He had betrayed us and nearly burned everything to ashes.” The monster says angrily and the others murmur with agreement. Sans looks at them with suspicion.

    “then why didn't you try to attack her?” He asks, motioning to you. The monster's eyes widen with shock.

    “‘Her’? You referred to the dragon as ‘her’?” He asks and Sans slowly nods. The monster's face lights up and the other monsters whisper happily to each other. Then the monster turns around and faces the others.

    “It is the she-dragon of the Prophecy and her rider!” He shouts and they all cheer. You fold in your wings, wincing as your right wing burns with pain. Sans takes notice and moves to get off of your shoulders. You crouch down and he slides of, landing on his pink slippered feet.

    “hey! are there any healers in your village? ‘my dragon’ is hurt!” He shouts and you lightly wack the back of his skull. He rubs the back of his skull and gives you an apologetic look.

    “sorry ‘bout that, but it's what they're callin’ ya.” He says and you huff with protest. Then, the leader and a few other wolf monsters approach you and bow so low that they could touch their toes. You look at Sans awkwardly and he snickers. You look back at the bowing monsters and kneel down slightly, dipping your head down. The monsters stand up straight and you do the same.

    “We have gathered our most experienced healers for you.” The leader says and you nod. You look to Sans and he nods. Then you extend your wing and the monster healers step forth, hovering their hands above the wounds. Then green magic comes out of their hands and into the open wounds. You wince slightly, but that's all that reveals your pain.

    “so you had said that we’re from a ‘prophecy’. what's that about?” Sans asks and you turn your head towards them. The wolf monster politely dismisses the healers and sits down near you.

    “I shall explain, but it is a somewhat long story. Come and sit.” He offers and pats the ground next to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2017 ⏰

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