Chapter 4 - The Frozen Palace

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As you flew through space, you began to feel determination swell up in yourself. You had gotten past Heimdall, so now you tried to push the guilt and fear aside, and focus on helping Thor.

Once you landed on Jotunheim, you felt odd. The planet was obviously cold, and so were you. But it was also empty. And quiet. Too quiet.

Everyone looked around silently. There were no Jotuns in sight. This caused your courage to weaken, just slightly.

"We shouldn't be here." Hogun stated suddenly. Now you say that!

You looked at Loki, and you could tell he was nervous, too.

Thor ignored your doubts. "Let's move."

Sif gave you a look of uncertainty, of which you returned. Nevertheless, you all followed Thor.

As you walked towards the palace, something fell down a cliff from above. You jumped, bumping into Loki, who smirked at your reaction.

Not the time, brother!  You scowled at him.

You all got closer and closer to the castle, and still nothing happened. Everyone was beginning to look around with concern.

When you finally reached the icy fortress, you were shivering. Heimdall was right to say we should dress warmer!  You thought. It's freezing!

"Where are they?" Sif asked. She doesn't sound frightened at all.

"Hiding." Thor responded. "As cowards always do."

You began to enter the palace, and you walked next to Loki. You were getting more and more frightened, as you always do before a battle. You were sure the Jotuns were about to attack, and that a fight would begin.

All of a sudden, you heard a voice in the shadows.

"You've come a long way to die, Asgardians." Laufey's ominous voice spoke. It sounded deep and rough, like Volstagg's voice, but much less cheerful.

"I am Thor Odinson!" Your brother exclaimed. He was about to continue when the voice spoke again:

"We know who you are." If he was trying to intimidate you and your friends, it was working. At least on you.

"How did your people get into Asgard?" Thor spoke loudly. You were inspired by his courage, and began to feel it rise up again in yourself.

After a long pause, the King of the Frost Giants finally spoke:

"The House of Odin is full of traitors." You gasped. A traitor?! One of our own people did this? Who?

"Do not dishonor my father's name with your lies!" Thor shouted. He was getting angry.

Laufey stood up and came into the light. He was now angry too. "Your father is a murderer and a thief!"

Now you were angry. How could he call your father such things? You wanted to say something but Laufey continued to speak.

"And why have you come here? To make peace?"

You looked over to Loki, mentally telling him you were offended and angry by what Laufey was saying. He looked back at you, and you could tell in his eyes that he didn't want you to do anything. Laufey continued to speak.

"You long for battle. You crave it. You're nothing but a boy trying to prove himself a man!" His red eyes met Thor's, and you were now furious at him for speaking to Thor that way.

Thor responded boldly. "Well, this 'boy' has grown tired of your mockery."

Uh oh.

You could see Laufey's face glare. All of a sudden, ice came out of his hands. Sif looked at you, slightly worried but ready for whatever was coming. You braced yourself.

Loki ran to Thor's side. "Thor, stop and think. Look around you; we're outnumbered!"

Loki's words caused you to look throughout the palace , and you realized that you were surrounded by the Frost Giants.

"Know you're place, brother." Thor snapped at Loki. This was not going to end well.

"You know not what your actions will unleash." Laufey spoke, making you slightly nervous. "I do. Go now, while I still allow it."

Loki looked back at you, and you nodded. He turned back to Laufey. "We will accept your most gracious offer." He said. A guard stepped out of the darkness to make sure you left.

Thor looked at Loki, then back at the guard. You could tell he was still angry and wanted to fight. You prayed he would resist the temptation.

"Come on, brother." Loki said, turning around to go. After what seemed like years, Thor finally turned to leave. You started to breathe a sigh of relief when suddenly the Frost Giant spoke to Thor:

"Run back home, little princess."

Thor stopped in his tracks. You looked at Loki and he glanced back.

Oh no.

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