Part 1

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One day a girl named Ana walked into a cafe down in a quiet little town, Ana was very beautiful and she was very cute because her height was just perfect for hugging and holding. She went up to the counter where a tall slim girl about her age was standing. "May I have a hot cocoa please?" Ana asked the barista "Yes you may, that will be $5.00 please." The barista said with a wink. Ana handed the girl the $5.00 and proceeded to a table near the window. She had been coming to this quaint little coffee shop since she first moved to the big city of New York 4 years ago, In fact she knew this barista quite well, Her name was Claire. They had met just two days after Ana had moved in, Ana came into the coffee shop where Claire was working. Claire being the dork she is instantly started hitting on Ana, I mean who wouldn't she's adorable. Ana had to admit though, the barista was quite dorky and cute with her big framed glasses and fluffy reddish brownish hair. Ana instantly snapped out of her dream of the past of meeting the girl, when she realized the very girl she was day dreaming about is right infront of her with her hot cocoa. "Your hot cocoa ma'am." Claire said with a smile "How many times have I told you to stop calling me ma'am it's silly." Ana said while she took her hot cocoa from the taller girl "Fine, here's your hot cocoa beautiful." The barista said with a wink. Claire sat across from Ana on the other stool at the table "Off to work Ana?" Ana is a police officer in the K-9 unit. "Of course, where else would I be going in my uniform?" Ana says with a smirk. "Mmmm Idk my bed?" Claire says with a wink "You wish I was going to your bed Clairy." Ana and Claire have been together 3 years, and Claire thinks it's time to step things up, it's almost their 4th year together and she wants to do something big. How big? Well you'll just have to see. "You know Ana tomorrow is our 4 year anniversary." "Yes I'm aware Clairy." "Do you have work tomorrow?" "Yeah I most likely will sorry baby." "Oh, I was just wondering if you wanted to go to dinner or something?" "I'd love to." "Great! I'll text you Ana. I got to go back to my shift now. See you later Princess I love you!" Claire says after she gives Ana a kiss on the cheek and goes off to serve a customer waiting at the cash register.
       ~Next day~
"Buzz buzz" goes the sound of Ana's phone. She picks it up and reads the text, it's from Claire, "let's meet at Giovanni's @5:00 ok?" "Giovanni's? I wonder why so fancy tonight?" Ana says to her self curiously. Ana texts Claire back "Sounds good. But why so fancy?". "Buzz buzz" Ana looks at the text "You'll see baby😉.".
       ~Almost 5:00~
Ana is hurrying to get ready because she is supposed to be leaving soon but work held her a little longer than expected. Ana pulls on a white button shirt and a blazer and rushes out the door. Luckily she gets a cab right away and speeds of to Giovanni. Once there she sees Claire looking as cute as ever in a casual but fancy black button up and red bomber jacket, Her favorite black jeans and black combat boots. "Hi there gorgeous, who's the lucky lady who came here with you this afternoon?" Claire asks with a smile. "Mmmm Idk have you seen her? She's quite tall, frizzy/fluffy hair, big glasses, and looks like a noodle?" Ana says to the taller girl with a smirk. "No I haven't but may I take you out instead." Claire replies jokingly. "Lain party of 2" the host calls out. "That's us." says Claire.
Aye end of part 1! Part 2 will be up soon
As always stay cool peeps (I'm so weird wth) - ;) Olive

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