Three ↬ Lil loopy*T.T

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      "What's up guys its Y/n here and today's video is going to be hilarious!" You started your vlog with an intro in the team ten kitchen, doing large hand motions to go along with it, before continuing.

"And for that we will need my lovely boyfriend, the one and only Tristan Merman-Tales!" You turned the camera, giving him a grand entrance as he strutted down the stairs and over to you with a great big smile. He quickly greeted you with a sweet and innocent kiss on the cheek, and a not so innocent squeeze of the butt, but that was luckily hidden from the camera.
"And what will you be doing for me today?" You inquired while smiling towards him.

"I will be video taping my beautiful girlfriend, Y/N, here when she gets her wisdom teeth out today!"

"You know the anticipation before, and the loopy after!" You finished for him

"And right now it is 8:30 in the morning, and we have to be there for 9:00. So we should get going!" Tristan reminded you, while he pulled his keys out of his pocket before going to his truck. He soon walked back in and dragged you away. You hopped up into his silver ford truck, slapped on the seatbelt before the car started vibrating beneath you, signaling he had turned it on. You sat cross legged on seat while he had started making his way to the dentist. You listened to your five seconds of summer playlist, just trying to drown out the fear that was in your body, continuesly dancing in your seat, making Tristan laugh and put his hand on your thigh, keeping a brave face on. Even though you were fucking scared on the inside. Your fear may have been partially because of the pain, but mainly about what secrets you might spill while you were out of place.
You were soon there, and had made your way inside to get checked in.
You sat in the some what comfortable chairs in the blue themed waiting room while holding Tristan's hand very tightly, trying to release the nerves going through you.
"Y/N L/N?" A nice woman in blue scrubs had called your name. You gotten up quickly to follow, turning around to look at Tristan, along with a big thumbs up and a smile to the camera that Tristan was still holding, before turning back around.
Soon enough you were waiting in the main chair while your boyfriend had questioned you.

"So Y/N are you nervous?" He asked with a quirked eyebrow from behind the camera.

"A lil' but not to bad, kind of excited!" You ended with a bit of emphasis.

"What do you think your gonna say?" He continued while fixing his hat while still looking at you.

"Don't really know, could be anything out of this mind." You pointed to your brain while looking upwards. A lady had came in next to give you an IV, which was one thing you had hated. Not the needles but the thought of it in your vein. You shuttered as Tristan held your hand and told you to look at him instead.

"Wish me luck guys!" Was the last thing you had done to the camera before the Dentist had come in and Tristan had to leave.
After they were done, Tristan had come back into the room while two doctors had been taking out your IVs and getting paperwork for you. Your had wanted to greet Tristan, who was still carrying the camera, but it slipped your mind as the pain kicked in. You slightly whined about the pain to him before the doctor started giving him information about the medications, and by then your mind had wandered to topics about completely stupid stuff, at least it didn't seem stupid to you.

"Come on Y/N time to go now." Tristan coed as if you were a delicate baby,setting the camera down, while lifting you and putting you in a wheel chair.
By the time you had made your way to his truck, you had already pulled the gauze out of your gums and tried standing up.
"Oh no no no, not right now." Tristan lightly pushed you back down into the maroon wheelchair while he got his keys out of the pocket of his ripped jeans, with the hand that wasn't holding the camera, letting you drift for a moment. Tristan slightly laughed knowing that all of this was on camera, but he wouldn't spoil the fun for you.

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