Chapter Two- Conall's Point of View

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I couldn’t believe my senses. I had found one, a Tuatha De Danann! I had been looking for centuries to find a descendent but had never had any luck until today. What was she doing so far from Ireland I wondered.

                Slowly I made my way back to our hide out so that I could inform the others of my discovery. If I had managed to find my charge then that should hopefully mean that the others should be able to find theirs as well. 

                I walked into the old farm house that we had taken over as our head quarters.  It was set back from the road so that we were well hidden from anyone who wanted to come snooping.

                Closing the door behind me I heard the others talking in the living room and decided to go and tell them about what I had found. Walking into the room I saw  everyone laid out in their favorite chairs watching what looked to be the latest hockey game.

                “Hey Conall, looks like the Leafs are loosing it again. You owe me twenty bucks man!” Brannan called from his recliner.

                Brannan was a tall wiry man standing 6’ 4” with blue black hair that fell over his deep brown eyes. In his hand he was playing with a coin that he had shined up so bright that it reflected light across the room.

                “Give the poor man a break Brannan! Not his fault that he cheers for a team that can barely find the puck during the game.” Came Artair’s voice from the couch he was lazily stretched out on.  His brown hair was cut a little long and his honey coloured eyes sparkled with humour.

                “Guys I got some important news!” I said reaching for the remote and turning off the television.

                “What is it?” Brannan said flipping his coin into the air. “Better be good to shut off the T.V. in the middle of the game.”

                I took a deep breath trying to figure out if there was a more elegant way of saying this. Not thinking of one he simply blurted out. “I found a Tuatha De Danann.”

                Silence and shock filled the room, my comrades taking a few minutes to process what I had just said. The coin that Brannan had flipped landing on the floor with a soft thunk.

                “Are you sure Conall?” Artair said sitting up to look at me.

                “I’m sure. I felt a pull to her like I’ve never felt before. She even started to walk towards me when she saw me, like some part of her recognized who or what I was.” I said as I sat down in my favorite chair.

                “You must have been mistaken man. They are so spread out, what are the chances that we would stumble across one here?” Brannan said sitting on the edge of his chair picking up his coin.

                “Are you doubting what I saw?” I snapped, authority thick in my voice.

                Artair gave Brannan a stern look before turning back towards me. “It’s not that at all. It’s just a surprise is all. We’ve been looking for so long that we had almost given up hope. The thought that there is one here is almost to good to hope for.”

                It was at this point when the last member of our group decided to speak. From his seat looking out the window, Brocc spoke in his normal quiet tone. “We always knew they were alive brothers. If they weren’t then we would have felt it. The question is not how did she get her but how can we keep her safe now. I doubt the girl you saw, Conall knows anything about her heritage and I bet you any thing she’s not going to just jump at the idea of it either. She will need training in both fighting and in magic in order to stay alive.”

                “Also if there is one here don’t forget that will probably mean that the hunters wont be far behind.  We need to be careful how we proceed from here.”

                I couldn’t help but smile at my oldest friend. Brocc was the shortest of us all standing just over 6 feet tall. He had broad shoulders and grey hair that he kept buzzed. His eyes were a dark brown between which his slightly long nose sat.

                Running my hand through my black hair I forced myself to breath slowly. It was amazing that we had been able to locate one  finally after all these years. It would be severely diluted by now but with any luck the girl I had found would still have enough magic left in her blood to find at least one of the treasures.

                “What should I do next?”

                No one seemed to be able to answer my question. We always knew that we had to find the Tuatha De Danann but were never told what to do once we had found it. I guess it would be best if I filled you in a little bit at this point on who we are.

                We are the Guardians of the Tuatha De Dannan line. There are four of us in our group right now and a couple hundred scattered around the world, but centuries ago there were thousands. You’ll find out more about us later but for now all you need to understand is that for every Tuatha De Dannan female there is a Guardian for her. In the old days it was easy for a Guardian to find his charge but after the war and with the discovery of the new world, the chances became slim.

                A Guardian will always know who his charge is the moment he sets eyes on her. There is a bond that we share that can only be broken with death.

                I had felt the pull of my charge the moment we had moved to the island a few weeks ago but it wasn’t until that day that I was finally able to find her. When she looked out her window at me my breath had been taken away at how beautiful she was. Her light blonde hair had fallen to her waist in soft waves and her blue eyes had seemed to stare into mine.

                I had been so excited to have found her that I decided to follow her to work so that I could spend more time watching her. Even after her boss had arrived I followed them anyways unable to let her out of my sight until she was home. Only after she had closed the door that night and went up stairs did I feel like it was safe enough to leave.

                With out a word I stood up and left the others in the living room. I needed to be alone at that point to try and figure out what I was going to do. The others didn’t understand how excited and frightened I was at the same time.

                Reaching my bed room I closed the door behind me and flopped down on my bed with my arm over my eyes. Every time I closed them I saw a picture of her. I didn’t even know her name yet and I couldn’t seem to get her out of my head.

                “Can I come in?” came a voice from the door way causing me to jump out of my bed suddenly.

                “Brocc! Jeez man knock next time. You scared me half to death!” I said holding my hand to my chest as I tried to calm my racing heart.

                “Sorry brother I just wanted to come see how you were doing.” Brocc said as he pulled an old desk chair out and sat down on it backwards.

                I ran my hand through my hair again trying to get my thoughts in order. “I don’t know. We were trained on how to find them and protect them but no one ever thought about how to tell them about what they are. If she had known who I was I’m sure she would have said something aside from just staring at me.”

                Brocc sat silently for a minute. “Honestly I can only suggest you try and get to know her as a person first before you tell her about who and what you are. She has to know that she can trust you fully.”

                “How do I do that?”

                “I’m sorry brother, the only thing I can suggest is try and integrate yourself into her life. What does she do for work? Is there a way you can talk to her there?”

                “She works at the park as a ranger.”

                Brocc smiled at me. “I think I have an idea.”

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