Part 15: Can't Hide Behind That Idea Forever

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Patrick's POV:

With morning came a new set of obstacles. Light flooded into the room and onto my face, waking me instantly. I rubbed my eyes to clear my vision, seeing Pete with his hands still on the curtains as he looked out the window with his back to me. My thoughts brought me to the night before, and I felt a blush rise upon my face. It was new to me- these capricious, whimsical feelings of skittishness swirling in the pit of my stomach. I loved Pete.

There was no denying that the moment he admitted he loved me. I'd known it before, though, but didn't have a specific word to explain what I felt for him until last night. Love was a strange concept still. Perhaps it always would be. I walked up to Pete, hugging him from behind, and he chuckled at the gesture.

He turned around and kissed me slowly, and I became certain our love was unbreakable.
"We've got to get on the road before Erin gets up," he told me with a smile spread on his lips.
"Can we stop somewhere for food? I'm starved."
"Mhm. I think there's a Denny's around here."

Luna's meow made us turn both our heads and see her jump out from behind the couch. I picked her up and scratched her ears affectionately.
"Are we taking her with us?" I asked.
"I wouldn't dream of leaving her behind."
I smiled in relief. That would have been a nightmare.

I'd become too attached to the kitten to be considered normal, but she wasn't hard to adore. Pete grabbed our stuff and started loading it all into the back of his truck whilst I sat in the passenger's seat with our feline. We drove a few blocks to the diner, and once we had parked I emptied my backpack a bit and slipped Luna inside, carrying her with me as I walked. Pete laughed at the sight of her popping her head out to look around. Once we were seated in a booth I put my bag beside me so I could keep an eye on her.

"I don't want to be a douche and tell you to order cheap or anything, but I don't have a lot of money on me. We have to make it last until we get to my mom's," Pete said, glancing at the menu.
"It's cool. I understand."
I ordered sides of fruit and toast and some water.

Pete asked for oatmeal and coffee. Whilst we waited for our food to come I stuck my hand in the bag to pet Luna.
"What's your mom like?" I asked.
Pete sighed, tapping his fingers on the table and glancing out the window at the parking lot. I watched his eyes scan the cars and eventually land upon the few clouds in the sky.

"She's wonderful with too much love for everyone. I...I suppose you'll get along with her."
He returned his gaze to me and reassured me with a smirk. The waiter set down our plates and drinks. Pete emptied packets of sugar and some creamer into his coffee, turning it into a caramel color that swirled around with his spoon.

"I think you'd get along with my mom too," I said.

"Yeah? I would have loved to have met her, but I don't think I ever saw her at the hospital."

"Well, she never did come around. It used to confuse me. I mean the memories I have of her are all so vividly cheery. It made me wonder why she didn't visit. We weren't estranged like I was with my father, so it didn't seem reasonable to not hear from her. Then it sort of dawned on me. She was wrecked the day she dropped me off, and I think she blames herself for it, for being unaware of the fact that I was so close to suicide.

"I got a call from her the other day when she told me about my dad being successful in getting the transfer accepted. I asked her, y'know, how she was doing, and she broke down crying and apologized for never seeing me. I never realized how much it affected people close to me- my mental health. I'd been so caught up in myself that I just didn't think it could ever have an impact on someone like my mom."

"You can't think that it's your fault for not knowing. You were dealing with your own issues."
I popped a grape into my mouth, juggling it around with my tongue before chomping down on it.
"Still. It was a sort of weird revelation. Doesn't matter now. I'm looking forward to meeting your mom, though. If she's anything like you I think I'll like her."

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