Chapter 3

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-- A/N --
Picture of Danny ~
Do 10 year olds look like this? Idek Again, don't know the model but he looks cute af

Stephan's POV


That wasn't me.

After a few seconds I willed my eyes open and saw a small head of wavy blonde locks. It was my 10 year old brother, he must have snuck in here without me knowing when I got back really late last night.

I gave the small angel a peck on the head, noticing that his golden cat ears twitched at the contact, before getting out of my bed, trying my best not to wake him. If anything, Daniel is the only one that can melt my heart. I'd give up the world for him to keep on smiling and would kill anyone if he ever got hurt.

I made my way to my bathroom that was connected to my room and was next to my walk in closet. How do I have such luxuries? Well it's simple, my dads a world known lawyer and my mom is also world known, a famous author whose works have even been made into live action movies. James and Mariana Steele, my and Daniels parents. You could say that we're a rather close family but that can also be debated by the constant absence of both parent figures. But Daniel knows that they love us and I know that they are doing the things that they both love the most with us in mind, so no complaints from me or my little brother.

Before getting in the shower I decided to check my messages and saw two from two different people. One from Anya, I don't remember giving her my number but I guess she picked it up from someone that I did a job for before, and the other from my best friend, Loki.

Anya: Hey, I got your number from a friend hope it's not creeping you out. Anyway I'll be back on Tuesday so if you're free that day let's meet up.

Well there's that one, guess she wants to know what went down at Jason's last night. I felt a smirk coming across my face. Time to read what Loki has to say.

Loki: WHATS UP DUMBFUCK, let's meet up Saturday @ 1U up for it?? I'm down for some waffles fam 🤔🤔

I sighed after reading Loki's text. I've known this boy since elementary school. And we know basically everything about each other, we're like brothers. He must have came back from his long ass vacation, the fucker leaving me on my own for days. I-It's not like im lonely or anything tho.. but hey, everyone needs a friend right? *cough*

Me: Yea dude, I'm down.

Loki: ayy I thought you died on me. Cya @ the usual spot lol

I looked at the time to see that it was 10am, I was relieved to know that I had plenty of time before meeting up with Loki at our usual spot. With that in mind, I stripped from the clothes that I had slept in and that I wore the night before. It freaking stank, I made a mental note to do my laundry later. I then turned the shower to the hottest temperature because I like being embraced by the arms of hell.

Once I was done scrubbing my body and did my short morning routine. I stepped out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist. I glanced over to my bed, seeing that Danny was still sleeping peacefully. An idea came across my mind, a smile working it's way on my lips. I quietly walked over and attacked him with tickles

Danny began kicking with laughter, trying to push me off and screaming for me to stop.

"S-Steph... N-no!! S-Stop hahaha" it warmed my heart to hear his laugher and to see his bright smile. I eventually stopped tickling him so he can get some much needed air back into lungs.

"Morning Danny" I leaned in and kissed the top of his head with a smile.

"Morning Steph!" He embraced me with his tiny arms and I wrapped mine around him, returning the hug.

"Now then, it's already 10:30 so you should get ready, I'll make some breakfast for you and Mom once I get dressed, sounds good?" He nodded, he's such a good kid. I wrapped him up in my arms and gave him a huge hug once again until he groaned out on pain. I chuckled at his reaction and released him so he could go to the bathroom.

Stepping into my walk in closet I pulled out some dark red skinny jeans, black converses, a long sleeves black and white striped shirt, my red beanie and a black jacket. I got dressed, holding onto the jacket for later when I head out of the house. While Danny was still in the bathroom, I headed downstairs to the kitchen to make us some breakfast.

My mom doesn't wake up until around 12 or 1 because she tends to pull all nighters and my dad wakes up earlier than the rest of us and leaves before 8am. I typically do all the cooking in the house, I prepare my dads meals before hand and set them aside for him to take with him to work and I do the same for my mom.

Just as I was done drizzling the syrup over the pancakes Danny walked in, still rocking that bed head, making me roll my eyes.  I put his plate in front of him when he got seated at the kitchen island and with a smile he happily dug into the food.

"Nothing can beat your cooking, Steph" he spoke with his mouth open, some bits of food spilling out onto the island top.

"Danny, don't talk with your mouth full, it's disgusting." I wiped his mouth and the granite top with some napkins before continuing to eat my breakfast. A comfortable silence fell upon us as we ate, once we were done I cleaned up and headed to the living room where Danny was watching some Adventure Time.

"Danny are you going to your friends house today? Moms going to be home all day, you know." I was standing over him from beside the couch, he looked up to me in thought.

"Ima go to Jer's place, can you take me?"

"I'm about to head out right now, wanna go?" With that said he nodded, turned off the tv then walked towards the door. He was putting on his shoes and I did the same before the two of us stepped out of the house.

"Oh hold on, Ima go leave a note for Mom real quick," I went back to the kitchen and wrote a quick note for Mom, sticking it on her breakfast that I wrapped up.

I'm dropping off Danny at Jeremy's, I'll be out with Loki. Call me if you need anything. Make sure you E A T !!
-Love Steph & Danny

I had to emphasize the eating part since she has the bad habit of forgetting, I swear if I don't see everything on this plate gone by the time I get home she's gonna have a shitstorm coming from me. And it wouldn't be the first either. I put the plate with the note in the fridge and walked out to see Danny leaning against my car on the passenger side.

"You ready?" He looked up at the sound of my voice with a smile which made me smile. I unlocked the car and we both slid in.

It was 11:30 when I dropped Danny off at his best friends place, we did our little handshake before he went to knock on Jer's door. Jer's Mom greeted Danny at the door, she saw me still in the car and waved to me, I gave her a head nod then backed out of their driveway, content knowing that Danny is going to be fine at Jer's place.

Before heading to IHOP, which was my and Loki's usual go to place for waffles and pancakes, Surprising right? I parked my car at a small hidden parking lot and found the tiny hidden bar that I generally frequent.

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