Chapter 6

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Stephan's POV

Loki and I walked through the front doors of IHOP, we were then greeted by a strawberry blonde haired girl who had stunning pale green eyes. Her gaze went from Loki then when she spotted me her eyes began to hover all over my body, a slight blush tinted her cheeks. Of course I noticed the attention that I was receiving from the girl, whose name was Lacie according to her name tag, Loki on the other hand was oblivious.

"W-welcome, t-table for two?" She stuttered, it was rather adorable if it weren't so fake. Her eyes had a hint of lust in them and she was biting her bottom lip. I wonder how many guys she's gotten with this feigning innocence act. I mentally rolled my eyes  but decided to play along because why not?

"Booth, please." I gave the girl my signature smirk and she instantly beamed at me with a smile. So easy.

As Lacie lead us to our booth, my ears picked up the high pitched giggles and murmurs from the female customers and staff. I felt their not so sly staring and the death glares from the males in the restaurant. I walked straight and standing tall, a killer smile upon my face, making the girls swoon even more.

Lacie handed us our menus once we reached our booth and I gave her a little wink before she walked away squealing. My gaze swept the tables that were in front of us, I spotted a table of young girls who were sneaking glances my way. I gave them a wave along with a smile painted on my face, receiving loud squeals and, I kid you not, I'm pretty sure I saw steam came off the huddle of girls from their excessive fangirling.

"Such a ladies man," scoffed Loki. I turned my attention back to our table and saw that Loki was pouting while looking through the menu. I chuckled at how childish he was being.

"I was just having a bit of fun," I smirked while I prompted my elbow onto the table and rested my cheek against my hand, looking through the menu as well," besides no one here is my type."

"Cut the bull crap Steph. How long have we known eachother?," he wasn't expecting an answer since he didn't even look up but continued," I know you're the type to hook up and leave after a one night stand."

"Oh my you know me soooo well," sarcasm filled my words as I moved my hand up to my chest and pretended to be hurt, hearing some girls go 'aww' in the background.

Loki rolled his eyes at my act," you're such an asshat."

"I'm the best freakin asshat that has ever existed then." I countered with a smug smile.

"No you're just an average asshat."

We both let out a small laugh just as a new waitress came to our table asking for our orders. She had jet black hair with her matching colored panda ears out. I told the waitress that I would like a Belgium waffle with strawberries and whip cream and Loki ordered a double BLT. She then rushed away with a deep blush gracing her rather cute face. I noticed that Loki's gaze was following the black haired waitress until she disappeared into a set of double doors that lead to the kitchen.

"She's rather cute, don't you think?" I asked Loki and he raised an eyebrow at my words. "Want me to get you her number?" Loki's wolf ears perked into full alertness at my question, his tail was wagging happily against the booth cushion making loud thumping sounds. His actions spoke a million words and we sat there waiting for the waitress to return with our food, which didn't take too long. I chuckled at Loki when he tried to hide his excitement from seeing the cute waitress with our food, she probably looked like a goddess with panda ears to him.

Despite his appearance, Loki is actually pretty shy when it comes to girls but when he warms up to people he can be such a crazy goofball.

After setting our plates down in front of us, we thanked her. However, she lingered at our booth for a minute or so until I flashed her a smile and asked," is there something else that you need?"

"U-umm," she began to fidget on the spot, holding the tray that had carried out plates closer to her busty chest until finally, and rather boldly might I add, asked me for my number. Well saves me the trouble I guess. Her face instantly turned a deep shade of red, im pretty sure she would much rather be eaten by a black hole than be where she is right now. I chuckled at her reaction and her expression fell to a small frown. Seeing this, I reassured her that she did nothing wrong and just that she was being too cute. It was a lie but she believed me seeing that her face lit up from my explanation. I took a napkin from the end of the table and wrote down a string of numbers before handing it to her, it was Loki's cell number. I then handed her a napkin and she leaned slightly towards the table writing her number quickly before rushing away in a fit of sudden shyness and realization at what just happened.

Btzzz. Btzzz. Btzzz

It was the vibration of Loki's cell phone that was beside his now empty plate.

"Wow that was quick of her," I commented with a smirk before raising my fork to my mouth with my last piece of waffle on it.

"It's not her, it's from my uncle." He sounded kind of disappointed, his ears drooping slightly.

Knowing that it was from Vincent caught all of my attention and I couldn't stop my white tail from swaying around and my ears perked in full alertness towards Loki.

"Vincent? What did he say?" I adored Vincent since he was like another father to me. He was the one that noticed that I had some pretty sticky fingers, stealing wallets from passerby's without any notice and picking up useful information off the streets. He was the one that gave me advice on how to better my observation skills and even taught me how to hold myself if I ever were to end up in a fight. From what I know he was in the mafia before leaving and opening up HU. Vincent was the one that encouraged and believed in me, he's the man that I admire more than anyone else.

Loki sensed my excitement and let out a sigh before telling me what Vincent had sent.

"First, calm your balls and stop drooling over my uncle and second He said that he wants us to head back to HU when we're done. Apparently he has some big news for you."

"I am not drooling over Vincent," I scoffed at his outrageous remark," let's head back right now." I couldn't wait to hear what Vincent had in store for me. Loki nodded in agreement and caught the attention of a passing waitress for our bill. We payed, left a tip and headed towards the doors but something, or rather someone caught my attention from the other side of the glass doors. I couldn't restrain the need to be a complete asshole to the fellow that was nearing the door, I then noticed that he had a friend following close behind him.

Adrian visibly tensed up when he met my eyes, forest green to dark red, as he stepped through the entrance, his expression changed to a death glare which I welcomed happily, throwing a smug smirk his way before Loki and I made it past him and Jason towards my car, hearing the low growls as we did so.

"Someone must have pissed in his coffee this morning." I chuckled at Loki's comment as we got into my car. Before starting up the car, I reached into my pocket and handed Loki the napkin with the cute waitress' number on it, her name is Lily I informed him since I doubt he even took notice of anything other than her blushing face.
He beamed at me," you're the best wing man ever dude!"

I smiled at that praise," well duh." I playfully rolled my eyes at his excitement. I made our way back to HU, Loki was jamming away with the radio while I kept telling him to stop sounding like a dying walrus. He took that as some sort of challenge and started singing even louder, damn wolves always have to be competitive all the freakin time.

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