Chapter 5

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-- A/N --
Pic of Uncle Vincent!!
(Yup just got this off google so idk the model *nervous laugh*)

Carson's POV

It was rather awkward in the car, I noticed that Vincent was just twiddling his thumbs and looking around. Darrel broke the silence with a cough and I took that as a signal to start our business.

"Anyway, Vincent how's things going with the HU?"

"Now Carson I know you didn't call me out to discuss that."

"Now listen here old ma-" I turned around in the seat to face the middle- aged guy but stopped mid sentence when he had a 'stop with the bullshit' face on which made me turn back around in defeat.

"Fine, fine. Let's get serious then." My sarcastic tone made Darrel elbow me in the side, making me glance over to his annoyed expression.

Ughh, I forgot about the problem here, I gave myself a mental facepalm, He used to be Darrel's partner until things went sour between them when he declared that he was leaving, he's still a part of the family of course.

"Any word on Rayleigh's whereabouts?" The atmosphere in the car dropped quickly. A grim silence fell upon us along with expressionless faces when the name left my lips. I heard Vince let out a heavy sigh and was expecting his usual "news comes when it wants to" but what he said kind of surprised me.

"Carson, let me be honest with you. I don't hear as much as I used to and I don't bother with anything outside of HU or my staff and family," he paused before continuing,"Look, I want to say that I'm through with all of this kind of... business. I'm done being an information dealer."

I turned to Darrel who was just staring ahead, elbow resting on the door and his eyebrows furrowed.

I broke the short silence with, "So I take that as a No."

Although I didn't like what Vince had stated, he's still family and he always will be family so I have no other choice but to accept his decision.

"Carson." Vince's irritated tone brought me out of my thoughts.

"I'm kidding, Vince. And although I don't like what you just said, I'll respect your decision. You're still family and will always be family, we're still going to keep in touch, right?" Voicing out my thoughts. I turned to see Vince relax at my words and gave him a small, reassuring smile. Darrel, of course, was not happy still and remained silent.

Clearing his voice, "Thanks Carson, now I have two parting gifts-"

"Aaaaand I'm going to stop you right there." I interrupted his little farewell speech," One, this is not a final goodbye. You are not getting rid of us that quickly you asshole. And Two, you are still in the family so we are still going to be seeing each other. Meaning you and your family is still protected under the King name."

Vincent rolled his eyes but cracked a half smile," fine whatever you say Carson."


"So before you interrupted me, I have good and bad news for you. So which would you like first?"

"Bad news." My answer came out instantly.

"I've heard from reliable sources that Rayleigh is starting to be on the move, buying up firearms and making alliances with some unfriendly folks." A low growl came from my throat from hearings this news. That little shit, he not only betrays the family but is working to overthrow everyone and everything to be at the top.

"And these 'unfriendly folks' are?" My eyebrow rose with a questioning expression.

Vincent shook his head," I don't know."

I frowned," so the good news is?"

I small smile lined his lips," well since I'm stepping down from my position as information broker, I thought I'd help you get a new one."

I let out a hum in response, indicating that he continues.

"A friend of my nephew is pretty good at picking up all sorts of information. I helped him a bit, throwing in some of my two cents so I think he's ready for this." I could not ignore the fondness that was present in Vincent's eyes when he spoke of this unknown person to me. He had the look that only a father could hold for their own kid.

"Vincent. You know how I feel about letting strangers into the family after what happened before." His smile dropped but he nodded in understanding.

"He's a good boy, Carson. I've known him since he was a kid, he's always been with Loki. He's smart, a fast learner, and I even trained him a bit. And you need someone with his abilities, trust me." Vincent's pale eyes held confidence in what he was saying.

I thought about this, I trusted Vincent he's one of my best friends. And since he said that he helped train this guy then it shouldn't be so bad, right? I turned to Darrel hoping for his input but he just gave me the 'you're the boss' look causing me to roll my eyes and turn back to Vincent.

"Alright, Vincent. I trust you. Have the boy come meet me here on Monday."

"Thanks, Carson."

"What's his name?"

"Stephan Steele." A smile pulled on my lips, that name had a very nice ring to it.

That concluded the end of out little meeting, Vincent got out of the vehicle. Saying his goodbyes before shutting the door and heading towards the entrance of HU. Darrel pulled us out of the alley, our destination was the Silver Crest pack house.

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