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We walked into the house and looked around. Everybody was grinding and dancing. You could smell sweat and weed. And the music was blasting.

"I'm 'bout to go get a drink," Egypt said.

"Ima go with you. What y'all finna do?" I said.

"Ima finna find my brother," Diamond said walking off.

"I guess I'm going with her," Charles shrugged, walking away.

Me and Egypt walked to the kitchen and got our drinks then went to dance. Coolin With My Shooters came on and we was t'ed. We both was throwing ass.

"Ayeeee! Fuck it up sis!" I yelled watching Egypt throw it back on some nigga.

A circle formed and they hyped him up. We danced so hard. Eventually we got off the floor and went to cool off. We went outside and seen Craig and nem outside smoking.

"Hey y'all," Egypt waved.

"Wassup. Come smoke," Craig said.

I sat next to Santo while Egypt sat next to Chance. Me and Santo talked the whole time. He was sweet.

"So Jacob."


"You think I could take you out some time?"

"I think I'd like that."

"Good. I see you tomorrow at 8."

Lovin' Chance (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now