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I woke up on my couch with a pounding headache. I felt like shit. That's how you know we had fun. I barely remember anything from last night. I tried to get up but couldn't. I seen Diamond on the couch next to me. She looked a mess. Her hair was all over her head and dried drool on the side of her face.

"Wtf happened last night?" I moaned, holding my head.

I heard footsteps coming up the hallway then Jacob appeared. He was all in his phone cheesing. I bet it's that Santo nigga. I attempted to get off the couch, but instead fell on my ass. Jay rushed over to help me.

"Remind me to never do whatever I did last night ever again," I mumbled, massaging my temples as Jake helped me on the couch, "Can you get me some Tylenol and water please?"


I sat back on the couch and closed my eyes. Jay came back with the Tylenol and water. I thanked him. Jacob went right back on his phone. I stared at him for a minute. I've known Jacob for all my life and I haven't seen him this happy since he was with that punk Jacquan.

"So who got you smiling so hard?" I smirked.

He blushed and looked down.

"It's that Santo nigga ain't it?" I asked.

He blushed harder then nodded.

"I fucking knew it!" I squealed.

"Uhhhh! Stfu with all that loud ass laughing! Making my head hurt!" Diamond yelled.

"Ain't nobody tell you to drink so damn much," I mumbled.

"Shut up cause you drank as much as I fucking did," Diamond snapped.

"God gone punish ya'll for all that cussing this early in the morning," Jay said.

"Hush!" We yelled at him.

"Well excuse me. Zangggggg," he said as he walked to kitchen to get more Tylenol for Diamond. We sat there after Jay got back in silence.

"Aye E. What we do last night?" Diamond asked me.

"Hell if I know," I shrugged.

"Mm," she hummed.

"I'ma go take a shower and take a nap," I said.

As I was walking to the back I tripped over some air and fell hella hard.

"Bitch is you okay?!" Diamond screamed while laughing as Jacob spit out his water from laughing.

"Fuck botha ya'll," I mumbled as I got up. I got in the shower and bathed in lavender and vanilla body wash then washed my hair. I got outta the shower but got a phone call from Charles.

"Hey boo!" I screamed before he could say hey.

I swear he one of my favorite people.

"Chile calm down," he laughed.

"I ain't no child, but I'ma let that one slide cause I fw you," I said as I put on my bra and boyshorts then grabbed my socks. I hopped in the bed and slipped under the covers.

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