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*The Next Day*
Today is the day Chance starts his online classes. I ain't never seen somebody so excited about school. When we went to the store yesterday he tried to spend at least $100 on school suppplies. I made him put most of it back. He picked up crayons, colored pencils, glue, scissors, hand sanitizers, and a whole bunch of other mess he didn't need. This man was tryna convince me that he needed a desk. He wasn't even gone use that desk. He don't use the desk in his "office" now so what he need another on for? I let him ge the bookbag though. I'm thinking he gone get a simple solid colored one. Nope. He go straigh to the Ninja Turtles one. I decided after that we had to go. We would've been in there longer than we needed to messing around with him. He complained the hole way home talking abot he didn't get everything he needed. If we hadn't pulled into the parking lot of my complex, I would've pushed his ass out the truck. I made him bring all his stuff upstairs by himself since he believed he needed so much. Once he was done with that he organized all his stuff for like thirty minutes. Now I know it don't take that long to organize some papers, pencils and folders. I heated up some of the food my mama made us then fed us. We ate and I went to go to sleep. This man comes in the room and hour later with his book bag on. He was stomping all around the room talking about he need to gt used to wearing it since he would be wearing it so much. I was getting irritated since I was tryna sleep and made him take the bookbag off and get in the bed to go to sleep. I felt like I was dealing with a toddler. He finally got in the bed but talked about how excited he was to start school. To shut him up, I told him we could have sex. He surely did shut up after that. And here we are this lovely morning. Now he wanna sleep in.

"CHANCE! WAKE UP YOU GOT SCHOOL!" I shouted down the hallway.

I was in the kitchen making us some breakfast with just my boyshorts on. Chance came in the kitchen, eventually, scratching his balls and rubbing his eyes.

"It's 6' o clock in the mornin'. I gotta go to school now?" he grumbled.
This man morning voice be having me weak in the knees. Like take me now Daddy

"Yes. They want you to get up early in the morning like you student does. You eat lunch when they do. You get outta school when they do," I explained, making his plate.
"They doing too much," he grumbled.

I handed him his plate of waffles, eggs, sausages, and biscuits.

"Here. Hurry up and eat," I told him.

He sighed as he took his plate and went to the table then ate.

This school shit already got me fucked up. Ain't nobody tryna get up this early to learn. (A.N. No really though. I'm deadass tired of waking up at 5 in the a.m.) All that excitement from last night was long gone. I just wanted to get this shit over with. I finished the food Egypt made me and put my plate in the sink. I noticed all the dirty dishes in the sink.
"He need to clean this kitchen up. Dirty asl in here," I mumbled.
I walked back to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I walked in the bathroom not having to knock since the door was wide open. The water from the shower was running, tellingme that Egypt was in the shower. He was singing some song hella loud and off key.
"You know you really can't sing right?" I said as I yanked the shower curtain back, scaring him.
He dropped his wash towel and held his heart. I busted out laughing. That's what he get. He flung a gang of water on me and yanked the curtain back.
"That was childish," I said.
"So was you scaring me. We even," he said.
I rolled my eyes and went to take a piss. I flushed the toilet but heard Egypt scream.
"What happened? Are you okay?" I asked.
He peeked out the curtain and glared at me.
"What?" I asked.
I'm confused. I'm just tryna see what's wrong with his evil ass.
"Don't you know not to flush the toilet while somebody in the shower? It make the water run cold," he snapped.
"Well excuse me if I forgot. Zangg!" I said.
His head went back in the shower. I grabbed my toothbrush and brushed my teeth. I spit the toothpaste into the toilet and grabbed my wash towel. I ran some water over it to wash my face. I washed my faceand put my towel back then flushed the toilet.
"Ahhhh! Chanceeeeee!" Egypt screamed as I ran out the bathroom.
I turned the light out as I ran out and slammed the door. He gone kill me. But it was worth it hearing him scream like that. Again that's what his evil ass get. I jogged back to his room as I checked the time. It was 6:58 when I logged into the little class thing. They made us download this weird ass classroom software program. I picked up my classy Ninja Turtles bookbag, the laptop and flopped on the bed as Egypt walked into the room.
"You should really put some clothes on. I'm tryna learn," I laughed.
He mocked my laugh then rolled his eyes. I grabbed a pencil and flung it at him. It hit him on the forehead. He looked shocked as I laughed. He threw the pencil back but I dodged it. He rolled his eyes with a smile on his face. I watched as he slipped on a thong, struggled into some Nike Pros and tugged on a cropped hoodie. He bent over slowly as pulled on some knee high socks and ran his hand up his legs. He hid that left cheek, right cheek then turned to face me with a smirk on his face. I licked my lips as I stared at him. He tossed me my headphones then turned to walk out the door.
"You might need those. I'm about to go over a routine and clean up. Have a good day at school, Daddy," he said.
Before he winked then shut the door behind him. He must not know. I wasn't giving it my all last night but tonight its going down. Have him doing them rountines on my di-

"Good morning Mr. Owens."
I looked down at the screen to see this old white lady smiling at me.

"My fault. Good morning Mrs. Grant."

"Let's get started."

Lovin' Chance (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now