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People-very sane,

Call me insane....

I do the eating

of ice-cream

in the middle of

a snowy night.

Just like the earth

Relishes the snow.

I do the talking

beyond the time

beyond the place,

with my best friend.

Just like the sea

Chats with the shore.

I do the laughing

without any reason

without any season

to make my dears happy.

Just like the Koel

does with its singing.

I do the walking

with my dears, even

under the scorching sun

till the eternity.

Just like the sky and

clouds never leave each-other.

People-very sane,

Call me insane....

I know I'm different

I'm happy to be.

If this is called insanity,

I would agree wholeheartedly.

I like this insanity

because I think this is the thing

that makes me feel alive.


How's it?

I think I'm really going insane :D

Do share your thoughts :)

-♥ Sweet

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