Chapter 4

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My hand immediately went to my cheek and hovered over the now warm area as I went into a daze. I kept looking backward as Lilly pulled me towards her brother’s car. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I opened it up to see a message from Derrick.

I know you may not care about me as much as I care about you, but I’m here if you want me.

I felt a blush slowly creep up my neck as I pondered how to respond. I looked up to realize we were at the car and Lilly gave me a quizzical look as we both entered the car. The second the door closed I was bombarded with questions.

 “Did you kiss him? Are you guys secretly dating? How long have you been together? When did this all happen? Why didn’t you tell me?” Their voices blended together making my head spin as my blush reappeared in an instant.

Finally Lilly’s brother said “Lilly let’s be quite and let her explain. It’s gotta be a good reason cause her face is bright red.”

When he said this it only made me blush more but he knew it was going to happen when he said that. I try to think of how I should tell them and eventually decide to just wing it.

“I was skating and I fell down while Lilly was over talking to you. Derrick came over and helped me up and then…”

I am immediately cut off by Lilly. “And then he kissed you right?”

I looked over at her “No, then he helped me skate and I was doing really good till someone in front of us fell and then that’s when I fell and he kept my head from hitting the ice.”

“So is that when you were kissed?” Her brother said teasingly. I didn’t answer but my face became red again. He knew he was right and started laughing. “Geez, my little sis has a boyfriend. She is all grown up now.”

Lilly looked over at him and felt his forehead like he was sick, “Is everything okay in that head of yours? You realize she is not actually your sister right?”

“Really, I never knew. That just ruined my whole day.” He said with a smirk on his face. Finally he started the car and turned up the radio.

They sang and talked the whole way home but my mind was else ware. I spent the car ride home thinking of the electricity I had running through me when I was with Derrick. How right it felt to hold hands with him and how happy I was to just be around him. The smile never left my face as I thought about him.

Lilly interrupted my thoughts as we pulled into my house, “Tor, are you gonna be okay by yourself this weekend?”

I looked up at her as I unbuckled myself. “Yah I should be okay. Thanks for asking though.”

Her brother turned to join into the conversation, “Well you are more than welcome to crash at our place, if you get too scared” he said laughing. I gave him a sour expression before turning to leave the car.

“Bye guys, see ya later!” I shouted before walking to my house.  

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