Chapter 7

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Hey Wattpad people! Thank you guys so god damn much for the support, really appreciate it! This chapter is dedicated to JoshuaLM1025 for actually taking my book recommendations (thank god.) Anyways, hope ya enjoy the chapter! 

Peace outttttttttttttttttt!✌🏻✌🏻 


"Hello?" I said through the phone.

"Where are you?" the voice said.

Oh no.


"Yeah of course it's me," Will replied, "who else did you think it was?"

So basically, Will's my brother. He's always been the overprotective type but I don't really blame him. After what happened, it's relatively normal for him to act like that. 

"Oh, no one," I said, "did something happen?"

"No, not really," he said, "I was just asking where you are, where are you actually?"

"I'm at a friend's house," I said truthfully, "we're working on a school project"

"On the first day of school?" he asked astonished, "wait is the person a bo-"

"ERMMM I'm gonna come home now okay?" I cut him off.

I didn't want him to know that I was working with a boy. Long story short, if I did, he will go absolutely crazy and most probably come to Noah's house and lecture him about the 'do-not-touch-my-sister-or-you-will-die" thingy. Yeah, that would be embarrassing. 

"Oh...ok," he replied, "Dinner's ready, be quick or the food will be cold" 

I chuckled, "Sure"

Will always knows I don't like my food cold. If my food ends up even a slight bit out of the 'warm' category, I will literally go mad and not even eat a bite of it. Typical me, I guess. 

"Ok, bye!" he shouted.

"Mhm bye!" I mumbled whilst moving the phone away partly because he was going to make me deaf with his high pitched scream and partly because I had to head over there now. 

I ended the call and looked up to see a very puzzled, not to mention pissed, Noah crossing his arms looking at me with a death stare.

"Who was that?" he asked me, eyeing me suspiciously. 

"No one," I lied, avoiding his brown eyes.

"Spill it," he ordered.

"Okay, okay," I said giving up to his stubborn attitude, "it's my brother, Will" 

"Wait, your brot-"

"Yeah, yeah," I said cutting him off and rushing to fit all of my stuff in my backpack, "gotta go, see you tomorrow"

"What?" he asked me walking to the door, opening the door for me, "you're going?"

"Yeah," I replied.

"Oh, okay, er bye?" he said, awkwardly and moving aside so I could get through the door.

"Bye" I replied walking out of the house and heading for the house opposite it.


I opened the door to be greeted by a much too enthusiastic brother. 

"Hey Will," I greeted him and pulled him in a for a hug.

"Hey Al," he mumbled into my shirt.

"Where's mum and dad?" I asked him whilst ending the hug and walking in the house.

"Mum's preparing the food and dad's on the couch," he replied and locked the door behind me.

"Mhm kay" I said and walked towards the living room.

"Hey dad," I acknowledged him.

"Hey darling," my Dad said and kissed me on the cheek, "mom's in the kitchen, by the way."

"Yeah I know," I said and slumped on the couch joining my dad.

"Mum! I'm back!" I called out. There was a pause before I heard footsteps. 

"Hey sweetie," my Mum said, standing in front of me and dad in her favourite apron, "just in time! Dinner's ready"

"Okay," I said and got up from the couch to the dinner table. 

As I ate, I couldn't help think about Noah. 



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2018 ⏰

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