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Monday had rolled around and my tolerance for college today was at a minimum. I pulled my curtains open and stared at the drab English weather that always seemed to reflect my mood, i had an hour or so before I had to leave the house and catch the bus that always managed to smell like urine and the elderly.

I sat down at my mirror and began painting my face with makeup, I don't even know why I bother because I'm only going to the hell hole I call college.

I left the house while my family were still asleep, lucky gits.

By the time I got to college the lessons came and went and it was time for lunch. Me and my friends always sat at a corner table in the common room, up until this year it was a relatively quite space. However some first years came and decided to sit next to us, can you imagine how great it is to sit next to a bunch of basic Justin Bieber's constantly? It's great. (Note the sarcasm)

I was looking at memes on my phone when Penelope snapped me out of my trance and told us that we were finally meeting her boyfriend.

Normally I would be chuffed to meet any which one of her boyfriends, however we're not only going to meet him but his mates as well. And to be quite frank I don't think me or the rest of the girls could be arsed to meet some lads that we won't even see half the time.

Of course I didn't tell Penelope that, being a mate means you do things that you don't wanna do and this was just one of those things.

The rest of the week went fine, I mean I went to college how good could it have been. By the time the weekend rolled around it was time to meet Reece and co. Me, jasmine, Eva and Emma were all sat in Penelope's living room waiting for the boys to get here while she finished getting ready.

Jasmine decided to play All star by Smash mouth so it would help diffuse the tension when the lads came, to be fair the Shrek soundtrack could resolve conflicts it's that good.

We heard a knock at the door and we all panicked looking at one another to get the door. I decided that I would take one for the team and be the one to greet them.

I opened the door and was met with a face that I knew for a fact was not Reece's, it was his friend. I remembered his name when Penelope mentioned it in the group chat but I obviously wasn't going to tell him that, probably think I'm a freak.

He walked in and as soon as he saw the four girls sat starting at him he became more hesitant and weary. I'm not gonna lie he was handsome, he was wearing a floral shirt like one of those dad ones 50 year old men wear to Hawaii. Somehow he managed to make it look as if he came from a Dior runway, his fingers where covered in silver rings and I was fascinated to say the least. He wasn't like the other types of lads round here and you could tell.

I knew I stared at him longer than I should have and I know that the girls noticed me, which I'm never going to hear the end of by the way.

the only sound that filled the room was Smash mouth and i know i was going to piss myself any minute due to how awkward it was. Eva managed to break the silence thankfully, "Er so where are your mates?" he snapped his head up and towards Eva "they said that they would meet me here, thought they'd be here by now." he said checking his phone.

i announced to the room that i was gonna go check on Penelope which was obviously just an excuse to get away from that uncomfortable situation, i think the girls were thinking the same thing as they followed me out and towards Penelope room.

As soon as the door was closed we filled Penelope in of what happened in the last five minutes, "he was hot" expressed Eva who was received with a bunch of "hes hotter than the Sahara dessert" as well as "im gonna tear up thinking about those cheekbones sweetie" from the group. Jasmine smirked at me and i knew whatever was coming next wasn't going to be anything good.  she crossed her arms and lent forward "Amara certainly thought so" she said smugly. if i was in the office the camera would have zoomed in to my uncomfortable expression i was wearing on my face, unfortunately i wasn't instead i was stuck in a room with a bunch of girls desperate to get me someone.

Penelope looked at me while still curling her hair "he's single you know, should go for it".  "can you all back up please because i have no interest on bringing a boy in to my life when we have exams and uni in a few months". i wasn't lying, i really didn't want to get mixed up with someone now if i couldn't give my full attention to them.  my education is the most important thing to me and im not going to risk messing it up for a boy of all things.

"maybe one of you should go down and i don't know talk to him?" why did Emma have to always have to be the one with the most common sense in the group, if it wasn't for her we would all have moved to Spain when we were 16 to avoid doing our GCSE's. "That's a great idea, i think Amara should volunteer". before i knew it i was on the other side of the door and jasmine was firmly pressed against the other side. "i honestly came here for a good time and im feeling so attacked right now". "Amara just do one and get down stairs now!" i could hear Eva shout from the other side, everything they do they do out of love i reminded my self to stop my self from punching them later.

i saw River hovering over the books i had let Penelope borrow the other week, one was George Orwell '1984' and the other was the autobiography of Malcolm X who had always been my icon ever since i was a young kid. My name was scribbled in the inside of both books as well as some notes the girls wrote which i could see him smile at the closer i got to him. he turned to me and asked if they were mine, all i could seem to do was nod my head. Ive became so infatuated with everything he says, normally i would have jumped at the chance to discuss my two favorite books with anyone but all i could do was listen as he spoke as if it was the first time i was hearing words.

our conversation had ended as quickly as it began and i had found my self wanting to listen to him for hours. the rest of the boys had finally came and they were exact versions of us, we listened to music and talked about crap for hours but all i could do was stare at river, i noticed how he never talked much. now and then he would chime in but other than that he didn't, it only made me want to talk to him more.

what has happened to me, who am i, what am i doing? i could feel my self snap. Why am i developing a crush for a boy i just met, i feel like i should excuse myself from the group and listen to a cardi b video to make me realize that i do not need a man.

my mini argument got interrupted when Penelope got up "okay its settled, party at mine tonight at 9."  everyone got up and left in separate directions and i was sat listening to the Shrek soundtrack still wondering what just happened and what i had missed.

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