Chapter Twelve:

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Chapter Twelve:

Warning: This chapter contains sexual content. If that makes you uncomfortable in any way, skip down passed the italics part. 

Andy's Point of View:

"Hello, love. How are my girls doing?" His husky voice from the other side of the world is enough to send shivers through me.

Harry and the rest of the boys left for the first tour since Liv has been born about a week ago, and it's driving me crazy that Harry is so far away. My memories of his voice and his mannerisms will never do them justice. 

"Andy, can you hear me?" His voice tried again when I didn't answer him the first time. I had been too caught up in the way he sounded, which was tired and excited, to realize what he had even said.

"Yeah. I'm sorry, H. I'm here. Liv and I are fine. We both miss you, though." I smiled at the thought of our sleeping newborn just two rooms over. I could hear her faint breathing through the monitor beside my bed, and I was reassured that she was okay.

"I miss you both, more. I'll be back soon, though." He promised, but I knew it was one he couldn't keep.

Harry, and Louis, had both protested going on tour again and leaving Sara and I behind, but management had insisted. Since they just left, I knew it would be at least another month before Harry could even come to London for a weekend again. 

"So how is tour going so far? Where are you?" I asked, changing the subject to something that didn't hurt my heart so much. 

"It's the usual. We're in Barcelona right now. I wish you were here, A. It's beautiful. Not as beautiful as you are, but it's beautiful." His voice changed, and I could hear the smile in it, which made a smile appear on my own face.

"How are you really, Andy?" He asked again, his voice taking on the serious edge it held earlier. "Louis talked to Sara, and she said that you looked pale and tired. Are you getting enough sleep?" He asked the question I had been dreading.

Truth was, no, I wasn't getting enough sleep. Olivia has taken on the weirdest sleeping schedule, and when she was asleep, I was too scared to sleep for fear that something would happen to her. I honestly didn't know how single mothers did it. It'd only been a week, and I was stressing out.

"I'm really okay. I just miss hearing your voice." I answered without really answer, and the sigh from the other end let me know that Harry wasn't ignorant to my dodging of his question.

"Well, I'm yours for the rest of the night, A. The lads all went out, and I'm in my hotel room... alone." I could hear the smirk in his voice, and I instantly lightened at the direction that our conversation had taken.

"What a coincidence. I'm in our bedroom.... with the other guy I'm sleeping with." I said with so much confidence. That was until I couldn't hold it in anymore. 

There was a harsh silence from Harry's end, and I had to wonder if I had taken things to far this time. Only, he had to know it was a joke. He makes jokes about having a mistress all the time, and I never let it get to me.

"You need to be punished for that." Harry darkly whispered, and my heart raced at his words. I loved it when Harry was rough with me. 

I twirled one of my brown curls around my finger as I thought about how I wanted this to go. The ball was in my court.

"I need you to punish me, Harry. I've been a bad girl." I whispered right back, my voice was dripping with lust. 

"Do you remember that video that we made the night we were married, A? Put it on." He instructed me, and I almost laughed out loud.

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