How I Met Your Father (Jack Maynard)

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Laughter echoes throughout the house, it being clearly heard in the kitchen, the sound of splashing water being also heard, it bringing me back to reality.

« Do you need help, mum ? » my youngest, Ellie asks

« That would be nice, thank you darling » I answer

She moves to my side and starts drying the dish, laughter still hitting the wall :

« I don't think I've ever heard dad laugh so much » Ellie giggles

« It used to be that way every night, until everyone settled down and had kids and that they all had different schedules.

We were quite a gang your uncles and I »

I smile back at the amazing memories that we made when my daughter interrupts my train of thought :

« Mum, how did you meet dad ? » she asks, her blue eyes staring into mine.

I laugh and say :

« I met your dad on New Years Eve.

We were both at the same party and I knew your uncle Miley as we went to the same school together, he introduced me to all of your uncles and your father was last.

From the moment he talked, I instantly despised him »

I hear a plate clatter as Ellie drops it on the counter :

« Wait, you hated dad ?! »

« I couldn't even look at him, love.

He was that guy who would flirt with everything that moved, who was arrogant and that would stare at another girl whenever you would talk to him.

He acted like a pricj at first and I ended up spending the night with your uncle Conor and I never saw him again and then, two years later, we had friends in commun that were getting married and I was one of the bridesmaids and your father was one of the groomsmen and, of course, we had to be paired together to walk down the aisle : he kept commenting the butt of the bridesmaid in front of me in my ear and I couldn 't stop blushing because I was so embarassed of his attitude, I juts couldn't wait to get as far away as possible ! »

Ellie giggles as she dries off the last of the dishes.

She leans on the counter as I continue :

« That night, I stayed with your uncle Mikey and Conor and Conor kept mentioning that your father wouldn't stop « checking me out » as he said it so I told him about my « love » for your father.

And then, a few weeks later, I bumped into him at a coffee shop where he was alone.

He proposed to buy me a cup of coffee and nice as I am, I couldn't refuse no matter how much I wanted to and I discovered a whole new side of him, a gentle and kind side.

I was cautious at first, wondering if it wasn 't an act just to get me in bed with him but since that day, he has always acted the same with me, even when we were with the boys.

Then, we started dating and then three years later, we got married and then we had your brother and finaly you »

Ellie and I laugh when I feel arms wrap around my waist :

« And what are you girls gossiping about ? » Jack whispers as his lips graze the skin of my shoulder :

« Just talking about how you and mum met, by the way, smooth dad »

the sarcasm flows into her words as Jack chuckles :

« Well, it did work in the end, didn't it ? »

I turn to face him, finding a smirk, his signature smirk on his face :

« I guess it did » I answer as our lips touch, hearing Ellie sigh of disgust :

« Get a room » she says as she leaves the kitchen, Jack and I laugh, his lips touching softly...



Yes, I have finally made my grand return in the imagines industry, lol.

My exams and school are finally over so expect multiples updates, I'm going to start a sort of mini series of "How I met your mother/father" so basically one where it'll be Y/N's POV and two others where it'll be their point of view so I hope you guys enjoyed this and if you haven any requests for later on, I will gladly take them into account, also, if you enjoyed this imagine please drop a comment or vote and I can't believe that this book has reached 8.6K, I mean this is huge and I want to thank you guys so much for reading this book that was simply written for fiun but that turned into something bigger

Love ya my little chickadees !

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