chapter 1

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I was walking home with my dog Elvis, it was cold and i could smell the rain in the air and the sky was getting dark with rain clouds. I love walking in the rain, so I had planned to keep walking more while it rained. But then my brothers Kevin and Joe had found me and told me that it was time to get going. We were getting ready to go on tour, we were starting in Africa and ending in London. It was going to be a 40 state tour and was going to last at least 3 months. We had a long trip ahead of us.

As we were walking home something hit me in the eye, "Oww" I yelped. I looked down to see what it was that had hit me and I found a small silver bracelet with a little golden charm on it. I picked it up and looked around, but there was nobody around to have thrown it at me. Just then I saw a couple of girls leaving the park, each one of them was wearing a bracelet like the one that had hit me, except for one.

She was quiet, and she looked kinda sad.

She was very beautiful though. She had beautiful blue eyes with a circle of green around the blue and hazel coming out of the green, and she had a natural blonde that was beyond compare. I could tell she was a baseball player because she had a golden baseball charm on her bracelet that hit me.

I was just about to call out to her when my brothers pulled me onto the bus. I had a feeling I was going to be thinking about her for a very long time.

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