30. Jace's Farewell

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It was raining again, as it had the last time Sabria had been sitting on the bench in front of her piano. It was nice to be back, her instruments gave her solitude, which after the recent conversation she'd witnessed, a bit of peace and quiet was needed. 

Ezra had taken their mother down to meet Jace, who had been less than pleased. To everyone's astonishment, Oceana was quite interested in Jace, not at all angry or hateful towards the man who had practically raised her run-away son. It had to be the most awkward conversation to have ever been a part of, even Winter seemed unsure how to react. Sabria had escaped with a sharp look at her brother, racing back up to her room where she now sat, her fingers doing as they wished as they flashed across the keys. 

A knock and a creak from the heavy doors that led into her room announced the presence of Jace, who slammed the doors shut and shook out his wet golden mane. 

"That was fun," he said, giving her a grin. 

Sabria chuckled, removing her hands from the piano, but he shook his head. 

"Don't stop on my account," he told her, walking into the room and glancing around," I actually came to listen." 

"No, you didn't." She could tell just by looking at him, he'd come to tell her something. But she smiled," Though, I appreciate that." 

He returned the smile half-heartedly, and Sabria felt a twinge of sadness for him. He'd just met the women who he probably expected to hate him, and she had shown nothing but kindness. 

"I advise you take my mother's advice," she said encouragingly," You should be proud of the man you've raised." After a second thought, she added," All of them." 

He glanced down, but then inhaled sharply as he strode over to her, bending down in front of the bench she sat on. 

"Sabria," she took her small hand in his own," Your mom told me a little bit more about the bond that we have and I-" He stopped, glancing down again. 

"You have to leave," Sabria realized, no wonder he was having such a hard time talking to her. He was guilty for too many reasons, her and Ezra both were the cause. 

"I need to get back to Clary," he admitted, looking back up at her," and I'm the head of the institute, I have a duty to my people. But I am making you a promise right now." 

Sabria raised an eyebrow as he continued. 

"I'm going to come back," he said," I said I would help you, and I will. I swear it on the Angel." 

Sabria smiled, and got up to hug him. He tensed in surprise but wrapped his arms around her, leaning against her head. 

"I never thanked you for saving me all those years ago," she said," Or apologized for delaying your proposal to Clary." 

He laughed as he pulled back," It worked out anyway didn't it?" 

The doors busted open again and were slammed shut with the effort of Sizzy, Malec, and Jonathan, all breathing hard. 

"Well then," Sizzy pushed off the door and strode over to Sabria," Guess who is getting a roommate?" 

Sabria raised her eyebrows," A what?" 

Sizzy grinned," I'm staying. I'm going to help fight with you guys! Richard asked you queen, and she said yes!" 

Sabria stared, Sizzy was going to stay and help fight the White Witch. That was news, but pleasant news. 

"We're all staying," Jonathan corrected, coming to stand next to her with his arms crossed over his chest, his golden eyes gleaming. 

"Really?" Sabria looked at Jace, who sighed heavily.

"I might not like it, but it's their choice," he put a hand on Malec's shoulder. 

Malec's look of surprise faded quickly," Thanks, Dad." 

"So, what now?" Sizzy asked Sabria," Do I get a hot mentor, too?" 

Jonathan snorted, shaking his head and Sabria bit her tongue to keep from laughing. If Winter decided she needed to be trained, then the answer was yes, but she didn't want to give the girl false hope. 

"First you are going to help me come up with an excuse as to why you're on a different world for me to tell your nerd of a father," Jace said, making his way to the door. 

Sizzy groaned," Fine." She and Jonathan followed, but Malec stayed behind. Sabria narrowed her eyes at him, but not before giving a final wave to Jace Herondale before he disappeared out the door. 

"Nice room," Malec remarked, looking around at all of the musical instruments. 

"Thank you," Sabria replied, studying him with a careful gaze. "Shouldn't you be telling your father goodbye?" 

He shrugged," Probably. But I wanted to give you something first." 

She raised her eyebrows, opening her mouth to ask him what that might entail, but he had pressed his lips to hers before she could get a word out. Surprise was not Sabia's strong suit, she felt herself tense up beneath his soft lips. He must have too, but she reached up to pull him back down to her as he was pulled back. She'd never kissed anyone, but this was wonderful. No wonder it was such a big deal. 

Her eyes remained closed when they finally broke apart, and when she opened them, he was backing up towards the door, grinning like an idiot. Of course, so was she. He left and she caught the door to keep it from slamming shut and walked onto the long outdoor corridor outside of her bedroom, rain misting her face. 

"You are a musician." 

She nearly jumped out of her skin as Jonathan spoke, and she turned to find him lounging against the stone walls, an amused look in his yes. 

"What" she repeated, her cheeks flushing. 

He chuckled," Subtlety is not my brothers strong suit." He came to stand in front of her. 

"Do you remember our conversation at the Institute?" he asked," When I asked you what you were-" 

"And I told you if you made it out of our adventure alive I would tell you?" Yes, she very much remembered that conversation. 

"Well, you never told me, so I figured it out for myself," he grinned," You are a musician." 

Sabria laughed," What told you that? The piano or the clarinet?" 

"The violin actually," Jonathan told her," Only real musicians can play those." 

Sabria shook her head, attempting to ignore the strange sadness in his gleaming eyes. "Not necessarily. But only a real warrior would stay and fight this evil, so thank you. For staying, I mean." 

I smiled," It is my pleasure to do so." 

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