4.1K 246 145

3rd person//

"Jimin's pretty hot." Seokjin was currently scrolling through Jimin's Instagram that Namjoon had been kind enough to find - without Yoongi's consent of course - and drinking all of Yoongi's Capri Suns.

"Agreed." Namjoon piped in, and this time he was actually in the room to do so. "Probably why he has 59K followers." Seokjin hummed in agreement, but he choked on the hum as he sucked the last droplets out of his fifth, fifth Capri Sun.

"Can you please stop stalking Jimin's social media?" Yoongi groaned as he turned around in his desk chair. The other two were laying on his bed and they hadn't looked up from their phones for over an hour. "It's kind of creepy."

Seokjin rolled his eyes and threw the empty Capri Sun towards the trash can, missing, of course, since he still didn't look up from his phone. "Shut up and come look at this." He waved in Yoongi's general direction, tapping and scrolling through his phone for a while before stopping and smirking at the screen. "You'll love it." Yoongi crossed his arms over his chest, but he still stood up and walked to the bed.

He reached for Seokjin's phone and he almost had to snatch it out of the bastard's hands. The picture was just a simple mirror-selfie and of course Jimin looked gorgeous, he's Jimin after all, but Yoongi didn't quite understand what he should be loving. More than those triceps. "Ugh, might as well start calling you Kim." Yoongi furrowed his brows as Seokjin took his phone back. "Because you're im-possible." Seokjin laughed at his own joke for about a minute 'til he remembered what he was supposed to do. He motioned for Yoongi to come closer and scrolled down to the comment section, where Jimin had written a little caption for the photo:

If anything Yoongi was even more confused now than before, and it seemed to irritate Seokjin quite a bit. "Blind-ass fuckin'... I can't believe you. Just look at it!" Yoongi tried to calm down the older before he took back the phone. He scanned the picture over a hundred times, at least, but he still couldn't find anything peculiar about Jimin's shirt.

The one thing about the photo that was, off, would be the way that Jimin was smiling like he was holding in a laugh. And his cheeks looked a bit rosy. "Just look in the goddamn window." Namjoon laughed at how utterly done Seokjin sounded and Yoongi glared daggers at him, not that Namjoon would notice anyway with how concentrated he was on his phone.

"Fine, fine, I will." Yoongi put his hands up in surrender and sighed as he looked at the picture, again. This time, however, when he did look in the window he could physically feel all of the blood draining from his face. He didn't even care that Seokjin was laughing like the fucking windpipe he was, nor did he care about Namjoon's snarky comment ( "I've never seen you without a shirt before." ) that made Seokjin laugh even more. That's how humiliated he was. "Oh fuck off." Yoongi sneered at them and he refused to give Seokjin his phone back, he needed to see how many had noticed. Jimin had fifty-nine-thousand people that followed him for crying out loud!

He didn't feel any better when he saw 63K likes shine with big, bright letters under the photo. They weren't actually glowing, but it sure felt like they were. Yoongi felt like he was fuming, both from the embarrassment and some anger, so he did what first came to his mind. He threw Seokjin's phone on the bed, and whilst Seokjin yelped in fear for his phone's well-being he climbed out of the window and over the two roofs.

Jimin was sitting at his desk, and he was wearing headphones, which most likely meant that he was listening to music. "Jimin you fucking asshole! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" Yoongi hit Jimin once for every hate you, and they gradually grew stronger in force.

"Hey, what the fuck?" Jimin threw off his headphones and turned around in his spinny-chair. "Yoongi? What are you doing?"

"Shut up."


there are two parts coming up very soon

and this is to prepare you for that so for the love of god READ THIS:

there will be smut.

basically only smut.

and the reason why there's two chapters is because one is with Yoongi bottoming, and one ia with him topping!

18 (1) = btm!yg & top!jm

18 (2) = btm!jm & top!yg

so everyone will be pleased!

if you're like me and you're okay with either, you can read Both!

so yeah that's all


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