Chapter two:Why dont we go in the pool?

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Warning didn't edit continue at ur own risk
-Jillian's Pov-

"Jessica!Jamie!wake up Im hungry!"I yell trying to wake up my older sisters.

"5 more minutes,"Jamie whispered throwing a pillow at me.

"You know I'm recording both of your lazy a**,"I laughed.

"Get my good side oh wait both my sides are good,"Jessica said sleepily.

"Whatever you guys can get up whenever you want,"I say with an evil smirk.

I walked out of the room and laughed to myself.

"Ok guys I don't know how the hell Im gonna wake them up today but I'm a try,"I say to the camera.

After a bit of thinking I heard someone coming down the stairs.

"Good morning Jillian,"I hear Jessica say coming into the kitchen.

"Why are you in such a good mood?"I questioned my older sister.

"How could you tell,"Jessica yawned.

"First because you said good morning two me and second because you said good morning to me,"I stated.

"What can't a girl just love her younger sister,"Jessica smiled getting a box of cereal.

"Not when it's coming from you,"I say taking the box of cereal from her as she gets the blows and milk.

"Whatever anyway after Jamie wakes up want to go in the pool?"She asked as I pored the cereal in the blows.

"Sure why not,"I say shrugging my shoulders.

-Time skip to when Jamie wakes up and the get changed for the pool (cuz y not)-

-Time skip to when Jamie wakes up and the get changed for the pool (cuz y not)-

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(That's what their wearing if u were wondering.Also if ur confused the hair there is just to show the style it's not the actual color!!!)
-Jessica's Pov-

I was sitting on a Pool chair (because that's what they call them I think)as I watched Jamie and Jillian jump into the pool.

"Yo you coming or what?"Jamie yelled.

"Sure,"I say getting off the pool chair.

I jumped into the pool with my phone in my hand since it had a water proof case on.

"Can we take one picture for our Instagram please?"I bugged.

"Sure why not,"Jamie sighed.

"I call going on Jamie's back!"Jillian yelled.

"Heck nah go on Jessica's,"Jamie complained.

"Fine,"Jillian said jumping on my back.

No one has to know.....(Why Don't We Boys fanfic) discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now