Chapter 5:Whydontwe make a cake? (Part 1)

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This chapter has not been edited.....Sorry!!!!!

-Jillian Pov-

"GAHH!"I heard someone yell.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?"I yell running down the stairs.

"Oh sorry I just burnt myself,"Jessica says smiling.

"And that's something to be happy about?"Jamie asked raising an eyebrow.

"No I just like smiling,"Jessica said smiling once again.

"Your just trouble aren't you!"

"No I'm just rotten to the core,"Jessica said winking.

"Jessica London Paul stop with the freaking puns!"Jamie hissed.

"Jamie Lillian Paul stop being lame,"Jessica growled mocking Jamie.

"Hey what about Jillian Luca Paul?"I questioned doing jazz hands.

They both stoped fighting to look at me seriously and start laughing.I just rolled my eyes and walked back upstairs.

'I should text someone but who?'I thought to myself.

'How about Zach'A voice in my head said.

(Ok so basically writing normal means who Evers pov it is is talking and when it's like this it means it's the voice in their head that made no sense but whatever)

'What no!'I yell in my head.

'Why not you know you want to!'the voice said.

'How did you know'I ask myself.

'Because we're the same person idiot!'the voice said.

'Ok whatever me'I say ending the conversation with myself.

"I should really stop talking to myself,"I say out loud picking up my phone to text Zach.

Rose🌹:Oh hey what's up Jillian?
Me:Just chillin like a villain 😂😏
Rose🌹:Sounds fun 😂
Me:I guess you can say that anyway wyd?
Rose🌹:Nothing much just getting annoyed by Jonah and Daniel 😂
Me:Can't be as bad as Jessica and Jamie XD
Rose🌹:Who knows 😂
Me:I do duh...Anyway I gtg bye!!

"Ughhh that was such an awkward conversation,"I say burying my head under the pillow.

"Oh so that's how your gonna die?"I heard someone ask.

"Well she better have fun in hell,"I heard someone else joke.

I look up to see Jessica leaning on the door way with her arms cross and Jamie walking around my room.

"No I'm not gonna die like this and why the heck do you know if Im going to hell or not,"I growled.

"It was just a guess,"Jessica shrugged.

"And sometimes I wonder why I didn't move in with Logan or Jake,"I sigh.

"Well it's because you love us more,"Jamie said.

"You wish,"I laughed.

"Dude are you sick?High?Drunk?"Jessica says.

"I was joking,"I laughed once again.

"You know your gonna turn into Pinocchio one day,"Jessica said rolling her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2017 ⏰

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