The Secret

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A/N: Hey guys, it's been a while on an update to this oneshot collection. Well to any of my works. I wasn't getting inspiration for any of my works, and my personal laptop broke. I'm using my dad's iMac thing (which I kinda hate. I miss my Microsoft word, but I'm using Google Docs rn...) and I really don't like the idea of my parents seeing I write fan fiction lol. However, I felt the need to explain myself and I have inspiration for this particular work. So.... Here we go!

Dimitri sighed regretfully. He was sitting on a curb outside of his and Anastasia's small apartment in Paris. He took another swig of his drink and put his head in his hands. "I'm an asshole," he told himself. Dimitri then laughed bitterly and looked up, "I'm an asshole!" he yelled to no one. People who were walking near him gave him weird looks and proceeded to walk faster. Dimitri didn't care. He messed everything up; nothing mattered anymore.

"How long have you been sitting out here, young man?"

"Huh?" Dimitri looked up from his hands and an ugly, old woman (homeless, Dimitri presumed) was standing over him.

"How long have you been sitting out here?" She asked again.

Dimitri shrugged in annoyance. "Not long enough."

"What are you avoiding?" the woman then proceeded to sit down on the curb next to him.

"My wife."

"Ahh... I see... And what is it you did?"

"What I did?" Dimitri chuckled. "Like I did anything."

"Can I guess?" the older woman inquired.

"Sure. Be my guest." 'This is going to be amusing,' Dimitri smirked inwardly.

"Hmmm..." The old woman thought and tapped her wrinkled fingers against her chin. "You forgot an anniversary."

"Ha." Dimitri laughed. "And who said this was my fault?"

"Well, considering she's the one sitting inside and you're the one out here in the cold... It seems like she's winning," Dimitri could see the amusement twinkle in the old woman's eyes.

"Fair enough... But what if it's both of our fault?" Dimitri inquired.

"Yes, I suppose fights are both of the persons involved faults... Most of the time... Now... Back to guessing..." The woman trailed off, and paused in thought. "You obviously did something bad to be sitting out here in this cold weather... Did she throw something at you in anger?"

"...Yes..." Dimitri admitted reluctantly.

"Oh don't tell me what I think you did, boy!" The woman almost shouted in anger or annoyance. Dimitri couldn't tell.

"What?" Dimitri exclaimed.

"She's pregnant isn't she? And like a coward, you ran. Not only did you run, but you ran to the nearest bar, bought yourself a drink, and are now sitting on a curb with an old woman."

Dimitri sighed. "Look old woman, I don't need you to tell me that. I'm a coward, okay? I get it." He proceeded to put his head in his hands as the guilt over flowed him.

"Your wife needs you more than ever, right now at this very moment, and you are still sitting here?" The old woman stood up. "C'mon, boy. Go to your wife."

"Eventually. Eventually I will go to her. Can you just leave, please?"

The old woman shook her head and began to turn around. "Asshole," she muttered and walked away. Dimitri shook his head, not believing what happened. 'People,' he thought in annoyance. Dimitri sighed for the third time and stood up.

"Might as well and get it over with..." he told himself. He turned towards the door and began making his way back towards their apartment. Once he arrived at the door, he knocked and proceeded to open it. Anya turned his head towards him from the couch she was sitting in. Her eyes were red from crying and her skin was blotchy. Dimitri's heart broke a little, knowing he did this to her. He made her cry. No one else. His feet moved towards her, he grabbed her face, and sat down on the couch, pulling her close to him. "I'm sorry, Anya. I freaked out."

He heard her sniffle. "No kidding," she whispered into his chest. Dimitri tried not to smile.

"We can do it. I just... Wasn't expecting it. Please forgive me?" He pulled her away to look at her face, pleading with all he had.

Anastasia sighed and looked away. "I kind of have to..."

Dimitri smiled and gave her peck on the lips. "Good. Now... I think we need to find a new apartment for the baby..."

Anya laughed, "Yeah. Okay. I'll talk to Grandmama. She'd love to help. Especially when she hears about why."

Dimitri groaned. "Do we have to tell everybody? I mean, we can just not tell them and when the baby is born they can find out."

His wife gave him a look of confusion. "Dimitri, they will be able to notice after a few months."


Anya rolled her eyes. "Whatever. We'll tell them when we see them. Deal?"

"Deal," Dimitri glared. As soon as the word left his mouth, there was a knock at the door.

"Ohhh... I wonder who that could be..." Anya said innocently and ran to the door.

"Anya... Don't you do it..." Dimitri demanded.

Ignoring him, as always, Anastasia smirked and opened the door. "Awwww Grandmama it's so good to see you..." Dimitri rolled his eyes, but the smile that was on his face stayed. His family was about to get a little bigger.

A/N: Yay!!!! Let me know what you guys think. Sorry for typos. 

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