A Dream is a Wish the Heart Makes (A Niall Horan FanFic)

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So I had an idea come to my mind last night, based on a dream I had. It would feature Niall Horan and the rest of the One Direction boys.

It starts with a girl (to be named) who was on twitter and noticed a contest that was being held by Niall Horan. The girl flew half way across the world on a wim in hopes of winning the contest. She ends up winning the contest and couldn't believe it. This would be the journey of finding out about the contest, winning, and then the future. If anyone is interested in reading a story like this, please let me know! I will start writing it then. If you have any ideas for names or ideas for a title then I would greatly appreciate it.



Update: So I have decided to name the main character Ryli (pronouced Riley). I have also written the first chapter. I will be posting that within the next week. I am going to proof read it and make sure I have caught all mistakes that I can before posting. I hope you enjoy reading this story. I know it was one dream I didn't want to wake up from haha

A Dream is a Wish the Heart Makes (A Niall Horan FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now