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  • Dedicated to Catie ;)

Lillie's Pov

Wait he's adopted? Shows you how much i know about him, right!?

"How'd you get adopted?"

"I don't know much and i dont know anyone who knows much about it but when i was born at the hospital all my mother did give me my first name and she left."  

"She just left?" 

"Ya, all they told me that she was only 15 when she had me." 

"Thats really harsh, i mean who would want to have sex at the age of 15?"

"I don't know but, but i hope she enjoyed it because it's sickening to have done what she's done." 

"Wow, those were words of thought, didnt need to hear that out loud." i laughed. 

"What!? Its true, if you're going to have sex with someone you might as well enjoy it unless you're being raped."

"Wow Styles, great to know the way you think!" 

"I know!"

I was actually enjoying talking to Harry, he is so easy to talk to about the weirdest subjects.

Harry's Pov

I was amazed at how she listened to me and seemed to understand. Not even Petter would listen to me as well as she did and he was my best buddy! I think we will soon be talking again.

"So what are you up to this weekend?"

Lillie's Pov

OMFG! What did he just ask me!? hell ya! Lillie stay mature and act natural. Who am i kidding?! Harry Styles just asked me what im doing this weeekend! I'm going to die! What does he mean, is it a date or is it a friendly trip?

"Uhh? Lillie?" Crap.......

"Ya, sorry, i dont think i have anything planned." 

"Cool, we'll see if i can borrow Petters car, so be up at 4:00 in the morning so we can go see the sunrise on the boardwalk at the beach." 

So this is where I thought he would leave and walk out of the room like in the movies but he was in my house, in my foster brothers room, and he kinda had to stay until morning. There goes my perfect movie scene. I can't wait till tomorrow! 


so we are probably going to update agin sometime soon

ILY :) 

             -your BFF's Sydney and Camryn 

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