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Next Day-

Petter's Pov

I dont even remeber who's house i was at last night, but when i woke up i felt two arms wrapped aound me. I looked to see a beautiful babe, looking at my hidden tattoos that my parents didnt know about.

"What happened last night?" I asked.

"We had a lot of fun!" she giggled.

"Did we use protection?" She giggled even more this time...... She shook her head. Why is she so happy? God what the hell did i get myself into?


Lillie's Pov

:D :D :D I woke up at three in the morning so i would have enough to get ready. I put on my purple blouse with dark blue skinny jeans and purple shoes. (Side-->) I went to the bathroom to put on my normal makeup and curled my hair. Fancy... I know, but what should I have worn? 

Harry's Pov

I was looking quite forward to today. I saw Lillie walk past the room i was in as she was walking to the bathroom. She looked stunning! I put on my black skinny jeans with a smile white t-shirt with my boots.

Lillie's pov

I was about to apply mascara but i was stopped by a low voice. 

"Dont put that on, your beautiful without it." By then my cheeks were bright red, HE THOUGHT I WAS BEAUTIFUL!? the only creepy part about that is that he was watching me.


"Creeper?!" Harry shouted, crap I said my thought aloud.

" Well yah, who stalks someone while they are in the bathroom?!"

"At least you weren't going to the bathroom!"

"Correctomundo! Well i'm done getting ready, ready to go Hazza?" 

"Hazza? You already gotta nickname for me?"

"Yup", I said popping the 'p'.

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