his parents

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I woke up with my throat feeling dry " water" I try to say.

"Relax it OK" I heard Jake standing up he had bag under his eyes and he look like he had age a few years. He took up some water from the night table he held and back so I could sit up I sat up and drank the water

"How's the baby" he asked as he asked I pushed him away which causes him to fall to the ground and the glass fell and broke and cut him

"Jake" I screamed "oh Jake I'm sorry but you kinda of deserved that" she got up from off the bed "I'll get your cut clean" she said heading to their bathroom

"No you might hurt the baby remember your pregnant" he warned

"Jake calm the hell down I'm not even 2 weeks pregnant" she said stepping out of the bathroom with a first aid kit she dressed the cut and clean out the mess reaching the hall a sharp pain rip through her belly "aww Jake it hurt it hurt it HURT!!!!!!!"she cryed

"Whats wrong honey oh god are you ok" he lift her up after founding her on the ground he brought her to the room and place her down gently on the bed "stay here I'll get the doctor" he said rushing out the door


"Hey what's wrong I'm calling the doctor" he said worried

"Don't call no damn doctor I don't need any doctor it just a little pain" she reassure as the pain died down

"Was it contraction" he asked not wanting to see her in pain

"Its too early for contraction" she said

"OK then I'll cancel the meeting with mom and go next month" he said worried

"Why are you going to your mother" she asked

"For the money that the guy asked for, you know the one at the theater" he declared

"But he said by month end and I don't wanna get hurt or risking my baby getting hurt. You might not want it but I do so give him the damn Money buy the end of the fucking month" she shouted holding her belly after being shot another pain

"Calm down see even the baby don't want you to shout please baby just calm down" he cooed and Kiss's her on the stomach I'll call them and ask them for an extension on payment just calm down and who the hell say I didn't want this baby" he asked

"You made it clear at the hospital" she whispered

"Baby it want a mistake OK I didn't mean to" he said sounding like he was about to cry "just go get some sleep I am going to make a few phone calls k" he added

"I want flipping food" he demand getting angry "OK boo I'll get you your food what do you want" he asked knowing her appetite was big

"I want a big subway burger with Fries and a grape soda" she said licking her lips and asking her undorn Chile of he/she would like that too

"OK I'll be back in 5"

1 month later

Caroline putting on her clothes to go to work " where are going all dressed up you should be in bed baby" he said kissing her on her neck and making her knees turn jello.

"Work" she answer

"Nope you've work long enough let Mathew take over for the time being and we are going to mother to day"he said

"I almost forgot" she said embarrassed

"No you mean you forgot" he said rubbing her showing belly from behind

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