the test

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"What the fuck whose baby is this Caroline"he shouts at her

"What you mean it yours"she said with tears on her cheek

"Who knows if you haven't fuck another man" he spits

"I haven't jake believe me" she cryed

" I won't believe as word you say until a DNA it done on this child" he shouted

"That can be arranged" the doctor interrupt

"Then why the hell are you still standing here" he shouted at the doctor, the doctor then walked up to Jake a plucked out a strand of hair "I'll be needing this" the doctor smiled

"What ever just get to work" he shouted at the doctor

Caroline got up and was heading towards the door "where the fuck do you think going"

"Well 'sob' you clear shown 'sob' that you do not ' sob' love me again so I'll just leave Jake OK ' sob'". Jake got up and grab her elbow " let go of my hand" she shouted he pushed her and she fell and held her belly with pain tears sprang from her eyes Jake ran to her side " I'm so sorry Caroline i-" he was cut of by her hand to his face" save it Jake I know and you know god knows even the motherfucker devil knows that you meant that so Jake do all 4 of us a favor and stay the hell away from me" she warned radder calmly
She got up rubbing her flat belly and left the clinic she hail down a cab and went straight back to the party

"Hey" Mathew called

"I'll be in my office k and I do not want any disturbances OK" she stated sad

"OK sweet pea" he said which make her smile

She went to her office a got some rope

At the clinic

"Here how about you read it if your the father or not' the doctor said angryily handing him the paper he opened it and realize he was the father he dropped paper and ran to his car he started it but didn't know where did she go he rang her cell and didn't get any response he suspect she had gone home he reach home and called but the house was empty he look aroung the house he saw Matthew phone number on the fridge and decide to call his two rings and it pick up

Mathew- hello

Jake - Its Jake have you seen Caroline and don't lie it's a life and death situation

Mathew - mmm OK well she stepped In about 15 minutes ago and was very upset she said the she was going to her office and didnt want any disturbance

Jake- OK thanks

And with that's he hang up and left the house he over took 5 cars and ran 3 red lights luckily he didn't get caught by the cops when he arrived he ran straight to her office he tried to open it but of course it was lock her broke it down and what caught his eyes broke his heart there she was hanging from a rope her body looking lifeless every thing around his seamed to start moving slow he ran up to her body and removed the rope from around her neck

"Caroline I so sorry please dont leave me Caroline" he cryed shaking her but she didn't even move her finger

"Mathew" he shouted out some how Mathew heard him over the music

"Yes" Mathew came rushing "Jesus" he covered his mouth

"Get me some ice water" Jake ordered within 2 minutes Mathew was back. Jack dumped the cold water on her face but still she hasn't woken up "help me to the car" he ordered Mathew while he carried Caroline to his black Audi A6  he put her in the back and when all her stuff was in her drove off " Caroline please baby wake up I can't lose you too"


Who did Jake lose a few more chapters before you find out

Not sure when will publish the new chapters cause I don't have internet at home

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