the practice proposal gone bad

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"WHAT THE FUCK" I yelled "did she just leave me hanging

I got up and went over to the bathroom hearing

🎶 its 5 o'clock in the morning🎵
🎶and conversation got boring🎵
🎶say you were coming to bed soon🎵
🎶so I snuck off to your bedroom🎶
🎶so I thought I just wait there til-

"How about you get your ass in that bed and let's finish what you started" I interrupt her singing

"How about you finish without me" she said getting me angry I pulled the curtains and step inside the shower

"OK well just finish it now then" I smiled and kiss her shoulders the neck I left visible ickys on her neck I then nibble on her earlobe

"W-we can't d-do th-this  now" she stuttered but I just snicked and continue after a few minutes of teasing her she gave in
Now its my turn to return the favour

I slid my hand into her fould and pick up speed I morn escaped from her mouth my cue I slid my hand out and step out of the shower

"Have a nice shower" I said s stepped out of the bathroom and lock the door


"Hey sis could you like be here now I have a little situation"I called my sis over the phone

"Ok bro be there in 5 where you at BTW(by the way)" she asks

"At mom and dads please hurry" I hurried her

"No rush no rush I'll be there... Oh wait I'm here" she says laughing

"OK I'll meet you by the door" and with that I left for the door

Caroline POV

"I still can't believe he left me me of all person hanging uh!!!!!"I shouted
I got dressed and went to look for the basered and the sight I saw was not very comforting. He kneld down in front of a blong hair woman around mid 20 and medium height

"Will you marry me" he asked her

Before she could answer I fell luckily not hurting the baby, he got up to help me by I shook him off

"Why did you get me pregnant"I asked trying to fight back the tears

"I didn't do it purposely"he answered

"Oh and just because you didn't fuck me purposely and get me frigging pregnant 'purposely' gives you the right to marry someone else" I shouted putting air coats on the last purposely "you know what I don't have the right to tell you what to do" and with that I left to pack my stuff


"Go and talk to her you dick, she's gonna leave" his sis told him

"And what the fuck am I suppose to say sis I can't tell her the secret" he cursed

"I'll go talk to her your such a cunt" she mumbled the last part

His sister went into Caroline room swing her pack the little clothes she-he brought

"Um can I speak to you just calm down plz" Caroline pause and look at her with disguss

"So he sent his 'bitch' to talk to me pa-lee-ze since you wanna talk talk I'm listening" she said still packing

She went to the bed and unpack everything Caroline had pack

"What the fuck you did that for" Caroline says getting angry

"So it buys me more time" with that everything Caroline packed she unpacked

"Bitch, slut, whore, prostitute, concubine what ever you are leave me thew fuck alone so I can get out and you can have your fun with Jake an-" I started but she cut her off

"Just listen im his sister Lydia Harrison I know I know different father's" she held out her hand but caroline didn't shook it

"Ha ha" Caroline laugh " you really expect I'm soppose to believe that lol(laugh out loud) that's like the oldest lie in the book so don't try it OK" Caroline laugh and went back trying to pack

"You know what just get the fuck out just GO!!!!!!!" Caroline screamed same time a sharp pain hit her in her stomach "AH AHHHHH" she screamed

"Are you ok" lydia asked

"OK let me guess I'm on the floor crying for pain holding my belly so  NO IM NOT FUCKING OKshe shouted at her

Lydia rushed put of the room as fast as a bullet "JAKE!!JAKE!!! where are you" sue called out

"In here what's wrong is she still leaving" he asked worried when she didn't answer he got furious "what's the fuck what wrong lydia" he asked angry

She finally spoke "she-she is in pain on the floor"

"You idiot now you felt to tell me where is she" she asked

"In her room" she answered

Without a second thought her ran out to find her on the floor holding her belly in pain

"Call the doctor NOW!! he ordered and ran beside Caroline "its gonna be alright Caroline" he coed

"How is it gonna 'sob'  be alright when 'sob' your leaving be with a 'sob'  baby and getting married" she cryed

"Oh Caroline she is my sister" he told her

"Really Jake that lie again"she said trying to be brave but she know inside she is tearing apart " why would you propose to your sister" she asked

"I can't tell you" he hang his head low

" OK then Jake bye" she got up and ignore the pain

"OK where is the pacient miss" she heard a man says

" in here Lydia" told him

When Lydia saw Caroline she rushed by her side "your in pain let the doctor take a look at you"

"Leave me alone " she pushed off Lydia

"Now now miss from what I hear these are not simple contractions and I need to take a look at you and I will hold you down if I have to" he said in a serious tone

"I wanna see you try" she pushed pass the doctor

"OK as you wish Leroy, Lorenzo" he called out before I made it half way across the lawn I felt myself being lift up into the air

"Hey put me down" and they did on the bed and held her down

15 minutes later

"So doctor what was wrong"Jake asked

"Well a baby is connected to his mother so it know sent the mother is happy, sad,laughing, crying- she started but was cutoff

"With all due respect doctor ask what wrong not for a lecture on a pregnant woman" Jake said in the nicess way

"What ever mode Caroline was in the baby didn't like it so well she bfelt pain because well the baby was reacting in the same way" the doctor told

"Mommy will never scream, shout or if dady promise not to get angry ok" Caroline smiled and part Ber belly

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