.chapter • Anne Boleyn;

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She was a sweetheart, Katherina had thought the moment she met Anne Boleyn, an absolute angel. Though no great beauty, as many in Katherine's household had been, she had made up for it with her charming personality. And Katherina had greatly admired Anne for it and more.

Unlike the other ladies, Anne did not judge Katherina for her parents lack of proper upbringing. She did not care for rumours unless they affected Katherina, and she most certainly did not involve herself in gossip. And because of that they had become great friends.

"My father was the ambassador in France," she said one mid day when they had an hour free to themselves. Katherina knew about Anne Boleyn's father and where she had been but she felt it impolite to say so, so she listen on as Anne continued. "I was also a lady to Queen Claude, it was an absolute dream, Kat. French court is much livelier than English court."

"Really?" Katherina ate up every word Anne said. Her expression resembled an enthusiastic child being told a story so fascinating that it changed their whole outlook on life. "Oh, I only pray to experience what you have. We are the same age, Anne and all I've done is hunt and train horses."

"That is still very exciting," she replied, lifting Katherina's spirits and filling her with a newfound confidence, "not many ladies can say that they have done what you have."

"That's because no lady would dare," Katherina giggled softly. "Oh mother was furious with father when she found out, and she still has yet to forgive him."

Anne laughed with her, she placed a small delicate hand to Katherina's arm and leaned in close as they laughed. Many in the hall turned, their curiosity getting the better of them. Many also whispered, a look of distaste on their faces.

"Oh dear," managed Katherina with tears in her eyes, "I believe the court is talking about us." 

Anne slipped her arm through Katherina's, a smirk now replacing the genuine smile she wore. She led her friend across the hall, "Let them talk," she said loud enough for all to hear. "they have nothing better to do."

Laughter erupted from the back of their throats and filled the hall. It had gone silent there, all but their laughter bouncing of the paneled walls as they took their leave. Katherine would get wind of this, Katherina knew, and perhaps before their return. But she only smiled as Anne led her down the corridor.

"Come, I wish to show you something," Anne pulled Katherina toward the corridor that led to her own apartments in court.

"What is it?" Katherina asked the moment they entered Anne's chambers.

"Promise you will tell no one," she closed the door behind her. Without waiting for a word from Katherina, she briskly walked toward a chest, opened the lid and started to shuffle through the contents within.

"Who am I to tell?" She asked after some time.

"The queen," Anne bit back. "I know you are close to her, closer than me."

"She and my mother were old friends, she is my Godmother."

"And you are my dearest friend, Kat," Anne fell back on her heels and turned to face her. "Promise me."

"Okay, okay!" She sighed. "I promise."

Anne sprang up from the chest, a smirk plastered on her face as she held a piece of folded cloth in her hands. Without explaining she removed the fabric to reveal a fine set of jewels.

"Oh my," gasped Katherina. She pressed a hand to her mouth, "Anne, they are beautiful. How? Who?"

"The King," replied Anne. Her lips had been pressed tightly together to form a thin line, but Katherina could see the smirk trying to appear. A new feeling settled within her stomach, a feeling that left Katherina feel queasy. "I had thought it had been you who caught his majesty's eye, but I had been wrong."

"But the queen?"

"I have no intentions of keeping them," she covered them back up and tucked them safely back into her chest. "I do not wish to be with the king, not as his mistress."

"Anne, there is no other way you can be with the king."

Anne closed the chest and stood up, she remained silent with her back to Katherina. Then she turned, a smile curving her lips and making her more beautiful than ever.

"Shall we return to the queen?" She asked, walking over to take Katherina's arm in hers.

Katherina did not utter a word as she allowed Anne to lead her from the room to the Queen's chambers. She kept her silence even while she preformed her duties to the queen. When she could keep her peace no more, she sought out the one person at court that could offer a word of advice, her father.

"Thomas Boleyn is an ambitious man, he no doubt has a plan," her father said. "It will serve you well to distance yourself from Anne if you wish to keep favor with the queen."

"And what if they succeed in whatever treason they intend to? What if Katherine is removed and Anne crowned Queen?"

"England would much rather see blood shed than have it come to that."

Katherina sat down in a chair, "But Anne seemed so sweet."

"Something she learned, no doubt."

"You did warn me," she sighed again, "I am sorry I did not listen."

"I am afraid this will not be the end of it. But if my council is what you seek, then I advise you go to your queen and you tell her."

"And break my promise?"

Devonshire tilted his head to peer at her daughter, "That is entirely your decision, Kitty."


I appreciate my past self for never deleting chapters because my present self realizes some of these aren't so bad and all I have to do is tweak them a little to fit the current plot and you all will have a new chapter to read.

Unfortunately there happens to be more chapters that follow the old plot and I can not fix those for the current one. But if I ever come out with another Tudor related story they may come in handy 😊

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