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It had been late when father's doors opened and the King was announced. Katherina merely looked up from her book while her father struggled to climb to his feet. They had both been relaxing after a tedious day within court, though Katherina rarely left her families apartments.

"Your majesty, this is very unexpected."

"Forgive me, Harry," Henry appeared red in the face, his normally brilliant blue eyes were a steely gray. He sank into the high back chair next to the fire and exhaled deeply, his face now buried into his hands. "She is most cruel to me."

A look was shared between father and daughter before they both looked at their king. His great frame trembled in the chair as he sobbed violently. For a moment, Katherina had felt pity for her old friend, but then she remembered her Godmother and the way she was being treated.

"You're the king," Katherina returned to the book she had been reading. "Why not remind her of so."

"She could care not!" He blubberd.

"If she were anyone else, you would have her punished," Katherina had grown tired of the king. Ever since her return from the Emperor's court, the king had spent just about all his free time venting away his troubles to her. She cared not for him, they were of his own doing.

"But she is not anyone else," his sobbing ceased but the tears continued. How was it a man so powerful could be easily moved to tears by a mere woman. But was Anne Boleyn a mere woman? Four years ago the two had been dear friends, and then of course Henry had taken to Anne and Anne developed a taste for the crown. Katherina had stuck by her rightful queen and then when could take no more, she left court.

For a year she kept at home with her mother, turning into the exact woman she did not inspire to be. And of course, father had to leave court too, in fear of losing his beloved family. That, Katherina thought, had been the final straw. Her father loved both his family and his sovereign king. She knew he wanted to be a supportive friend but could not in fear of losing the women he loved. Henry, oh how gracious he had been, understood and allowed father leave.

But it did not end there. Another friend had chosen the king's side and befriended the Boleyns. Katherina had been heartbroken to witness the man she loved side with traitors. And of course, she could stay in England no more. Katherina left for Spain where she visited her mother's family, a side she never met. She had a cousin who was in service to the Emperor's wife and that was how she came to the imperial court. She had met with the emperor on many occasions and even became a fast friend to the empress. It had been a sad day when her father called for her to return home, and even sadder when she was forced to depart from her loving Godmother who's service she had reentered upon returning home. But to be away from her deranged mother, she stayed at court with her father.

"I don't understand," Katherina closed her book and sat forward on her chair, "If Anne can rule you, why couldn't Mary do the same? I mean of her husband. You fear England will fall into the hands of your enemy, but would it truly? Perhaps the Lady Anne can teach her."

"Kitty!" Father no longer sat there looking helpless. His round face had deepened a shade of pink and anger flashed dangerously in his dark eyes. "Watch how you speak to His Grace!"

"If His Grace didn't care for my words he would not be here." She retorted. "And I will not hold my tongue because he is my king!" She turned to Henry. "You are my friend first, before you are my king. That is why I am so harsh on you. See reason, your majesty. Is tearing England apart really worth it? You may believe her to be ruling your heart, but is that all? What of Wolsey? I know had she not been in your ear, he would still be very much alive for not a person save her could ever make Wolsey a villain in your eyes. And poor Katherine-"

"Enough!" He stood up, "I will hear no more. Do you hear me?"

"I hear you, majesty," she looked up at him. "But you will be back and I will say more. I will continue voicing my opinions until you have chosen to listen or detach my head from my body, the choice is your's."

Henry was in front of her now, both hands curled tightly around the arms of her chair. Never had she shown fear, never had she truly felt it, not until now when he towered over her, his face close to hers. But she couldn't back down. She mustn't let it be known that the king had frightened her. But as he towered over her and their eyes locked, something inside her changed. Never before had she felt this... or perhaps she always had. What was it? Suddenly her mind felt fuzzy and she couldn't remember why Henry was hovering above her. His own face betrayed his thoughts, he was just as confused as she... did he feel it then? That odd sensation that course through her veins and caused her heart to flutter, stop, and then continue again?

Henry slowly stood up and backed away from her. They were still locked on one another, confused as to what had just happened. He was the first to look away, muttering something about it being late and that he must go.

When the king had left, Katherina could breathe again, but when she did tears began to fall. How had she not noticed? It all made perfect sense. She had been so blinded by her childish love for Charles that she never truly noticed it was jealousy she was acting upon. Of course she would have sided with Katherine anyway, but it was jealousy that drove her from court, not Henry's mistreating of Katherine. And even now, it was jealousy that lashed out at Henry every visit and sent him stalking away. She was jealous of Anne Boleyn for having capturing the King's eye and causing such a reaction from him. Jealous because she could not even rouse a single ounce of affection from the one man she had fancied all her life.

"I think it's best you return home," her father said.

"You should have never called for me back," she cried out angrily. "I was happy in Spain!"

"I have no doubt about that," he ran a hand through his peppered hair. "No doubt, indeed. Oh Kitty, I see it now. I never did before... I had been a fool then, but I see it now."

"See what now?" He wasn't making any sense, but then again, none of this was.

Father shook his head and buried his face into his hands once again. "You will go home tomorrow, do not bothering packing your things. I will bring them home with me when I return."


By the grace of God, and perhaps Anne Boleyn, I managed to write enough chapters to hold us all over until I finish this book 🤗

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