.chapter • Dance With Me ;

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She wore a gown of white embroidered with gold. Beside her, her mother wept and murmured how her father would have loved the sight of her. Katherine glanced into the glass before her, taking in what she saw. What this truly how a bride should look?

She did not smile, though she was quite happy. The days which lead up to this had all been happy ones, and she welcomed what was to come, yet why could she not bring herself to smile.

Her smile still did not appear when she saw Henry at last and came to his side. Nor when vows were exchanged and the ridiculous ceremony took place. She could not even bring herself to force a smile even when the festivities took place. By then, Henry had noticed.


"Do not press upon the matter," she held a cup filled to the brim with wine. "I do not know why I do not look happy."

"At least pretend, I can hear their whispers."

"That I have only just married and already I am an unhappy queen?" It was to this she finally smiled. "My king, how you worry so over the opinion of others."

"Those opinions are what form the seat upon which you sit. Take care in what you say." He warned.

Katherina drank from her goblet, draining it only part way. She set the cup down upon the table before her and pushed back her chair.

"Then I shall stand," she said. "And I shall dance. Would it not please my king if he were to join me?"

Henry stood as well, his own cup being placed upon the table. "If my queen wishes it."

She nodded her head, "I do."

They were to be enjoying a feast rather than dancing. That was why there had been hardly any room in the hall. But disregarding the small space and the bewildered looks of their court, Katherina and Henry danced, quite happily at that.

"Your mood has much improved," he reported later when the tables had been removed and the floor opened for dancing.

"Perhaps I need only a dance to cheer me."

"Only a dance?" Henry howled with laughter, "Sweetheart, I believe you danced yourself up quite an appetite."

"And again, I shall dance some more. Will you not join me?"

Henry shook his head, "Suffolk!" He called. And Charles came. "Your queen desires a partner. At last, I find myself quite exhausted."

Charles bowed, offered his hand and Katherina took it. He led her to the floor, where they set themselves amongst others preparing for the set to start.

"He wishes to torment you with the sight of me." She said when they joined together. "Any other man in the room and he calls you."

"He torments every man in this room, Your Majesty. You are his prize possession, he will display you most proudly for all men to look upon and grow green-" the dance called for them to pull apart and switch partners for a moment.

"My Lord Hertford," she greeted as Edward Seymour took up her left.

"Your Majesty."

"Still holding onto what power you possess?" She teased.

Edward smiled, surprising her greatly, "Have you any idea?"

"Not in the slight." And she was back with Charles. "As you were saying?"

"I believe I have forgotten."

"Something about men growing green." She reminded him.

"What were you and Seymour talking about?"

"Ah," she turned her head to look back at Edward Seymour with his wife. "We spoke of nothing, for our time together was short-" the music was far too loud, the sound of their shoes on wood just as loud, and the chatter of others was all  enough to drown her out when they pulled apart. "-we had little to discuss. But you, Your Grace, spoke of men growing green. Why is that?"

The dance game to an end, and Charles moved closer, "There are no greater fools than the men who stand in this very room, admiring you from afar. That much I can say. You are my queen now, much will change."

He took a step back, offered his hand, and when at last she took it, he led her back to her seat beside the king.

Katherina sat in her chair beside Henry. She watched as Charles bowed, and then took his leave. From his back, her eyes surveyed the room. And then, then she turned to her husband who sat proudly beside her, whispering into Cromwell's ear.

Anne had been desired by many, she reminded herself. And look how far she fell when she reached too high. Katherina's chest rose and fell visibly with the deep breath she took.

Beside her Henry's attention shifted to her. "Shall we retire, sweetheart? The hour grows late and there is still much to do."

"I shall like to dance a little while longer, if it would please you." She would prolong the final ceremony if she could.

Henry sighed, "Very well, go on." He waved his hand.

Katherina stood up, but she did not step away. Instead she held out her hand toward him and smiled. "I wish my husband would join me."

She could feel it as his hand touched her's. He was not pleased in the least bit, but he obliged.

"Is it your leg?" She asked, as he followed beside her. "You need only say."

"I am fine, we shall dance."

Katherina frowned, but took her place  before him. "How my husband lies when he declares how he wants the truth."

"Madam," he growled.

"Sire," she looked him directly in the eye. Before the dance even began, she then said, "I am tired. Let us retire. There is a fire in your eye that I do now want seen."

"Let us retire." He said. And to those in the room, he made the grand announcement.

Kitty, with her ladies and maids,  left for her own chambers where she was to be made ready for the king.

"It will hurt only a little," reassured Lady Bosch, a woman much younger than Kitty but already a wife and mother to four.

"It will hurt a lot."

Kitty did not want to know anymore as they undressed her, washed and and then pulled a chemise over her naked body.

One lady dabbed oil behind her ears and on her wrists. They combed her hair and when all was to their liking, they slipped her into her robe and escorted her to the King's chamber.

He did not ask a single soul that had been in that room to stay. And when they had left, he sat on the edge of his bed and motioned her to him.

No words needed to be spoken. She removed her robe, which fell into a heap on the floor, and she came to her king with no hesitation.

For the first time since the day had begun, Kitty felt completely at ease as she melted into her King's embrace that night.

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