pick up lines

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You didn't hate pick up lines you just didn't like them. You found them a waist of breath. So when KK said one you just satared."I'M NOT A HOARDER,BUT I REALLY WANNA KEEP YOU FOREVER"

You found it shooking. You never expected it so you were shook."Are you a camera? Cause every time I look at you I smile"

You laughed. It was funny to hear this from him."rOSES ARE RED, I HAVE A CRUSH,WHENEVER IM AROUND YOU I BLUSH"

You new he does this. Thus lead to you being annoyed."There’th only one thing I want to change about you. Your last name"."YOU ALREADY DID THAT" You replied

You found it cute. She looked so flustered and adorible.":33<Your smile lit up the room, so I just had to come over"

You just couldn't handle it. It was so not kanaya to do what she did."
You really shouldn’t wear makeup. You’re messing with perfection!"

You and her were having a pick up line contest. She won by stating "
Wh3n 1’m 0lder, 1’ll l00k back at all 0f my cr0wning m3mor135, and 1’ll think 0f the day my children w3r3 b0rn, the day 1 g0t marr13d, and th3 day that 1 m3t y0u". You then applauded.

Vriska always used pick up lines. You found them funny."I just had to come talk with you. Sweetness is my weakness"

Nepeta and his friends all put him up to this."D-->.Hey aren’t you forgetting something?"."what"."D--> Me" he stated while sweating alot.

He would just randomly state them.
"I MiGhT Be uGlY BuT I’Ll tReAt yOu rIgHt"."Babe you aren't ugly"

This was normal for him."If I wwas an octopus, all my 3 hearts wwould beat for you" you just left the room.

She did it for the laughs."Is your name Ariel? Cause we Mermaid for each other!" You did laugh. Mission accomplished.

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