them as creature's/gods

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He would be very angry at everyone except you. He would burn down people's houses when there bothered you to much. He would protect you by scaring others away. He would let you ride on his back as he flew around. And trust me he already marked you as his mate.

She would be very protective of you.yet she would tease you like 24/7. She does it out of love. But she gets  really jealous easily. She will send the dead after anyone that wronged you. She would allow you to see dead relatives when you wanna see them.

He is a angel. He would watch over you and make sure your safe and sound. If you needed help be there. He wouldn't let you get hurt. If you fell he would be there to catch you. And if you think you left sonthing on in the house he would fly back and check.

He would be very protective and clingy. He is basically you dog. He loves to hang around you and whines when your not home or when you have to go. He will literally beg you to touch him if you didn't or refused to let him. He would be adorable.

Well more like werecat. She would be very protective of her mate. Not letting others stand in between you both. She would put others in there place when they were around you. She would lick you to bath you and would bring you her kills when she killed them.

Kanaya: Vampire
Obviously. She would be a vamp she would not suck your blood but she would need energy. So being around you gave her energy. She would be there by your side ad soon as you whispered her name. She will always show up.

She would be a blind hydra. She would have enhanced smelling and could smell you a mile away. She would tease you by saying you smelled like broken dreams. But really you smelled strawberries and cream to her. She would be forced into a cave but you both flew around the neighbor hood once in a while.

She would use her powers to charmspell people. She always got her way. But with you she just couldn't bring herself to do it.even if you disagreed she couldn't. In fact if she said she didn't like this one movie and you said you did she would instantly change her mind and like it to. Even if it was cheesy or not.

Equius: centaur
He would let you ride on his back and run around all day. He would be the fastest horse to ever exist. He would live in the forest next to your hive. He would always come with flowr crowns or some other nature thing.
He would instantly win in a archary match. If he would hold the bow without breaking it.

He would troat around and kick peoples butts. Some times he did it for fun. But mostly to impress you. He would let you be carried on his back. He would even ask you to brush his leg fur sometimes. Which was kind of gross.

He would be the jealous type. Always jealous of everyone near you. He randomly punched a guy once from just walking by you. He would be very prideful when it was just you two.

She would make you shell jewelry. She would also let you swim with her. She loved impressing you with tricks. She would lure anyone that was picking on you into drowning themselves. Ya fun times

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