How you meet

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You were sitting on a bench, where? Who knows. To you, you didn't care, you were just having a vibing time. Suddenly a skateboarder comes rushing by followed by a out of breath troll. He stops in front of you and is panting like a mad man. "Do you need help?" You offered. He looked at you and took a seat. "Why yes, any s9rt 9f liquid w9ukd be highly appreciated. If it is n9t in any way 9f triggering y9u 9r having 9ffended y9u. If I have I am very s9rry and I will s9me h9w make this up t9 y9u," he blabbered. You kinda stopped listening sense you needed to find your water. You were about to hand it to him when another skateboarder zoomed by and the troll stood up and blew his whistle. He then chaced after the skateboarder again. All you could think was 'what an odd man'

At the new bar that just opened you were dancing your butt off with your date. Ok let's be honest you were actually sitting by the bar drinking your sorrows away. Suddenly a girl walks up to the bar next to you and just starts flirting "ねえ、あなたはよくここに来ますか?ここであなたに会ったことがないので.(hey, you come around here often? cause i've never seen you here before)." she stated you looked at her weird and she took a glance at you she then smirked and stated "あなたはあなたが見るものを好きですか?見たいならもっと見せるよ.(You like what you see? I can let you see more if you wanna.) You chuckled a bit before replying "Maybe another time." She thought for a moment before looking around and found someone else. She left s paper behind that read 'プレイするときに電話して'(call me when we are going to play)

You were at a pizzeria and you just ordered your food. You couldn't decide what drink to get so you asked for lemon water. A group of trolls then enter the scene and take a seat at a booth not to far from you. You kept looking at the one cause he had big ass bull horns and shadow the hedgehog looking hair. He then looked at you and you made eye contact for a solid 10 seconds before you looked away. A few moments later someone took a seat across from you. "hey doll... what you do1ng at a place l1ke th1s all alone?" He asked. You looked confused and then said "Um, I want to eat food?" He then laughed and said "1 guess that's what people come here to do." He chuckles before making another remark. "doll... why are you all alone though?" He asked. You were about to answer when your food showed up. "Listen, I crave substance so if you'll excuse me its food time," you started eating. He nodded his head before getting up and going back to his spot but not before leaving his number.

You were playing a game with some friends when someone named FLIPTUNA in shot you. You were gonna rage but calmly calmed down. The player then typed in the chat "H4 h4, n008. Y0u 5uck 47 7hi5 g4m3" you laughed thinking he was joking. "You're on FLIPTUNA" You found each other about to have a death match when suddenly his character started moving all crazy like and then he left. You got confused but sent him a friend request so you could play that deathmatch later. He accepted it and you laughed as you both killed each others characters. Needles to say, it was the blossom of a good friendship.

You were at your local cat café with a friend playing with the cats, having a good time. When you and your friend were ready to order your drinks she gave you the money to go up and order. You sighed not wanting to but did it reluctantly. Walking up to the counter, you spotted a cat like troll with the biggest smile on her face. "(=^ω^=)WElCOME TO PURRETY KITTY, HOW MAY I HELP MEW?" she asked politely. You placed your order but you were kinda distracted by her cuteness and stumbled on your words. She chuckled and said "(   • ̀ω•́ ) ✧ COMING RIGHT UP" she then frantically ran around behind the counter to get your orders. You both started to have small talk and she messed up the order a little bit, whether on accident or on purpose you will never know but it ment more time talking to each other. When she finally was done you paid her and left your number on top not realizing she wrote it on your cup. You both laughed in embarrassment but parted ways. You definitely are going to come more often.

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