First Deal

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Naomi's POV

I was definitely burning in rage when I found my manager was trying to abuse one of my lady chef. She is very quiet and polite girl I know. She was crying there.

I pulled that old fool punk away from her and punched directly on his nose and it was bleeding. I kicked him several times. Whole the time he was accusing that innocent girl for this. That made my blood boiled.

All I wanted to kill him with bare hands. You can't insult a woman when you yourself have come to the world by one of them. If you can't insult your mom, your daughter, your sister, your wife and whatever relation you share with an woman, then how can you think of insult other's!!! The girl you are insulting put your mom, sister or wife in their place and now think if you can.

Well, if you are thinking this all are my point of view, no it's my mom's. She always taught me that woman should have their rights properly. My dad is quite strict about this. He always says that women are not weak, whoever think they are he is weak.

If you ask my point of view, I don't have any, I directly use my skills on them whoever tries to insult an woman. Like I did with that punk. I don't like to waste my time and words on whom doesn't care about it. I talk with them with their own language which they will remember the rest of their life.

I called my security to get him and make sure that he is behind bars. Then I felt I was really hungry. I asked Reily to make me breakfast.

Then suddenly I realized, I have a meeting with some new partners. But I totally forgot about it. They must be here till now. Oh, God!!! I am so dead. I said Reily to make breakfast for them too.

It was early in the morning and I literally needed to fight to sacrifice my morning sleep. I was too mess, I told Dad that I will handle but it was like I called death of mine.

  They must haven't their breakfast till now. I don't know what they will like, so I said to make usual one.

As I turned. I saw there were some people already sitting on the table next to me. I think they are the new partners. I saw them watching me with widen eyes but one, he was looking at me with an amuse expression.

I thought he was Mr. Roberts. I asked him but he never bothered to answer my question, he directly said that I am late in my first meeting with them. Well, I was here on time. But this all make me get late. Well, I know that's my fault but it's better to skip this part here. I am not wanting to create another issue here, beside dad trusted me, so I want to get this deal at any cost. Not only important as business deal but also to get the chance to make my dad proud of me.

" Well, Ms. Edwards. This is the deal plan. 60/40." said lawyer of Roberts.

" Well, if it's a deal it should be 50/50. What do you say, Diego? " I asked my lawyer come best friend. He is very intelligent and sometimes very cunning. So, I kept him as my lawyer though he is still studying in college.

" Yeah, you are right. But you know, it can be 60/40 or 70/30. But then the matter will be who is holding 60 and who is 40." He said. Hmm, he has point.

" What do you think, Mr. Roberts? " he asked him.

" Yeah, sure. But if I am investing then I should think about my profit at first. I should take which can make me get highest profit. Similarly you will choose the same. Let's make no choice but one for both of us. I choose 50/50." He said with a smile. Well, he is quite good in his business, didn't fell into the trap of words of Diego. I told you Diego is cunning.

" OK, then deal?" I said.

" Well, yes." He said.

Then we signed the contract and after some essential topics about business deal they left and I was so happy that I got the deal and moreover I got 50%. Let me tell you one thing we were really going to have only 40%. I just told that out of any thoughts. I never thought they will be agreed that easily. I never thought I will get 50%.

I called my dad and told him that we got the deal and 50% of it. My dad was also happy. Well, anything for my dad. My dad was who literally brought me up. You must be thinking about my mom. Well, she is a caring and loving mom too. But when my aunt and uncle got their twin boys they both were a bit busy with their own works and my aunt was still a student. So, my mom needed to take care of them with my aunty as they were little and needed a bit more care. For me I was happy with my dad. He handled his business and took care of me too.

But still my mom loves all of us 3 and my aunty is more like my friend. I literally share everything with her. But sometimes, she gets angry on us  3 brothers and sister. Then she grounded us. For me she considers a little but the boys gets detention for days. But still we irritate her. We love it. Well, yeah I know we are evil. But it's fun.

" Don't you have college today?" Suddenly Diego asked me.

" Today is weekend you stupid." I said and laughed.

" Oh, yes. What is plan for today?" he asked.

" Going home and sleeping whole the day." I said and stood up for leaving.

My morning sleep was totally spoilt. Now I need to sleep, before my body starts to protest.

" Bye, see you." I said and walked out.

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