His Discomfort Zone

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Naomi's POV

" Still paining?" My dad asked slightly touching my arm.

" No dad, stop worrying. I am perfectly fine." I said and gave him my billion dollars smile. He sighed.

" You shouldn't go like this, Princess. I almost got a heart attack. Never do it again." My dad said and hugged me. I hugged him back.

" I am sorry, dad." I said.

" Just don't do this again, my princess. You know, what you are for me, right?" My dad asked and I nodded.

" Sorry, daddy." I said like a little girl and dad chuckled.

" Good then you take rest." Dad said and kissed on my forehead. He pulled the duvet on me to cover my body. I smiled. He turned off the lights and turned on the lamp on the nightstand. Then he went out not before patting my head softly. I smiled. I just love my dad. Nothing is more important than him in my life. Not even mom, not even Theo, no one.

I was thinking about today's stunt that I pulled. I was wondering what if Hudson shot my head or heart??? I shouldn't get in without any protection. I was just mad at that hell guy.

Hudson!!! This name was a pain. If you guys are wondering how do I know Hudson?!! Hudson is a name who has a bad relationship with almost all the fuel companies in Italy. Not just that, he is a serial killer. He killed 5 renowned companies employees including the CEOs. Next in line was my dad in his list. He even threatened my dad. It happened when I was in my highschool.

My dad asked thousands of time what does he want?? That crazy psycho all the time kept saying he wants to kill my dad. But do you think my dad is the person who will get scared of a psychopath like him??? Never ever. But things went very wrong when one day he tried to kidnap me while I was coming back from school. I was just so scared of open firing. That day my bodyguards got injured saving me.

It happened like that then he was captured. He was thrown in jail but some years later he ran away from jail killing a police man. Then he went to Australia. He got a shelter under Campbell's radar. He was safe there. He left killing then. He was living a normal life until he tried to kill my dad again. I would have killed him but I let him go as my dad stopped me. I wish I would've killed him before then Tasha's family would be alive today. I regretted it so many times. I wish I did it before. But it happened already. I sighed.

I am very tired today. I got shot. It was like hell. I didn't tell it to Theo. I don't want him freak out when he is already worried about Meryl's health. I don't want him get worried about me now. Besides, I am fine. I didn't get any serious wound. Even doctor gave me medicines and released me. I didn't need to be in hospital. I am alright. Nothing to worry. I will be fine in a few days. Theo won't even know when he will be back. I just want him enjoy his time with Meryl. I don't want him be worried for me now. He needs to be with Meryl. It's better not to tell him about this. I know he will be mad at me for going there like this. But I am not sure what to do. I will not tell him now.

Suddenly, I remember about Hudson's daughter. That guy who was dragging her. He said she is his wife. I don't know what was happening. Why was he dragging her??! What's enimty between the guy and Hudson?? I don't know what was happening. I was feeling worst. Had I been selfish??? I was so scared about Stella so I risked some innocent girl's life??? I don't know. Her dad was my enemy not her. I didn't even know that Hudson has a daughter. She seems so much innocent. I just pray that everything goes alright. I need to assure about her. I just took my phone and called Diego. I told him to find out everything about Hudson's daughter. I hung up. I switched off my phone as I wanted to take rest. I just lay down and closed my eyes.

I was sleeping. Suddenly I felt someone caressing my head. I was shocked. I was about to sat up and see who is it, of my dad, Eddie or Alan. But I was terribly shocked seeing the person clearly in front of my eyes. I almost yelled but I stopped myself. I thought I am dreaming. I pinched myself. But he didn't get vanished.

" Theoooooo!!!!!" I sat up at once shocked.

" Yes me. Aren't you happy seeing me?" He asked coldly and I gulped.

" Speak up, Naomi!!!" He said more coldly. I was scared of him now.

" Theo, when did you come? How did you come inside?" I asked.

" Does that really matters?" He asked.

" No, I mean yes. How you came inside?" I asked him again.

" Alan helped me. It is not important now. The matter is you Naomi Edwards, are banned to touch any kind of armour from now onwards." He said.

" What!!" I said.

" Did you lost your ears?!! I said you can't touch any armour from now onwards." He said.

" And why is that, Theo? I didn't killed someone that you are banning me from using armours. You can't-" I was saying but he pulled me on him at once.

" Ahhhh...." I squealed.

" Ssssssshhh!!!! Don't talk too much. You didn't killed anyone but you did more dangerous thing than that. You got shot. Do you think I am so happy with that? Or do you think you should be given a reward for it?" He said and my eyes were widen.

" How do you know that?? Alan told you this??" I asked.

" I no need to ask anyone else to know what my girlfriend is doing. Do you think I would have left you alone here without any supervision?" He asked. I sighed.

" You spied on me?" I asked.

" Put securities cause I knew you would enter in my discomfort zone and hurt yourself." He said. "And I don't trust you with armours anymore." He said and I looked at him then sighed.

I really entered in his discomfort zone.

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