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Naomi's POV

I stopped in front of the door and saw his car going out of our mansion. I sighed. He was right. I wanted to tell him something. That something which I myself don't even know. What was I going to tell him!!!

Come on, Naomi. You weren't like this. You weren't a typical romance type girl. You weren't like this weak for anything. What are you doing!!!

I don't know what am I doing. What am I doing!!! I am being crazy. I know everyone hates me for being a cruel girl. But if you are weak this cruel world won't let you live your life like you want. Cause you are a girl.

Yes, I am a girl. I am a girl. A girl. So what!!! I am weak? I am going to break down in a single touch? I am going to shut my door and cry for years? I am going to be broken heart??

But sorry to disappoint you, I am not. I am not going to be anything of them. I am not weak, I am not going to cry and you can definitely not break my heart. Cause, I don't give a damn who you are. If you try to mess with me I will destroy you. You should be careful before dealing with me not I need to be careful cause I know I got my strength from you the cruel world when you try to break me.

Kick first before someone kick you. I know we always listen to our heart. But we shouldn't do it always. Some time life put us in a situation that we are not able to decide what is right and what is wrong.

Like now I am. I don't know how to come out of the spell of those blue orbs. Trust me. I have tried everything to do so but I failed. Even today I have decided earlier that I won't see him but I end up being more close to him. I don't want to hurt myself. This why I want to keep my heart away from this kind of feelings. But what is in those blue orbs!! Just what??

Don't cast this spell on me. I banged my head several times on the door.

" You don't know what you are doing to my heart. You will never know. Cause, I am going to bury my feelings soon. Just am messed to cop up with them." I whisper to myself and looked outside.

" Nemo!!" I heard Ellie calling me.

" Ellie, you need something?" I asked.

" What time is it now?" She asked.

" Almost 2." I said and walked towards her.

" Won't you sleep?" She asked.

" I was going to sleep.  Let's go." I said. I started to walk but she hold my wrist to stop me.

" Look at me. Look into my eyes." She said and I looked away.

" Nemo, look at me." She said and I looked up at her into her eyes.

" What happened?" She asked.

" No, Nothing happened. What will happen?" I asked.

" Nemo, I am your elder sister, you can't hide anything from me. I know you from the day you were born. You can hide even from Aunt Lucy but not from me. I know you are tensed and you are in deep depression. What happened again?" She asked.

" I don't know. I really don't know. I think I need some rest to get my head straight. I want to work and work. Only way to get out of frustration." I said.

" Which thing make you think like a lunatic lady?" She asked.

" I am just out of my track. Don't worry. I will be fine and on track soon. I am going to get out the thing from my mind which is troubling me. I can't handle being a typical crying girl again. It will hurt me again and it will make scratch on my family reputation. Once was enough to hurt my dad. No more, Ellie. My dad is everything for me. I don't want people call me names again and point fingers to him. Once was enough to get a lesson for whole of the life. Wasn't it?" I said.

" Look, Nemo. Relax. You need to tell me things properly. I promise I will help you to come out of that things. If it's not bad you don't have to come out of this." She said.

" Ellie, you go and sleep. Steffan must be waiting for you." I said.

" He slept and then I came downstairs for water. I saw you are standing in front of the door. I thought you are talking with someone but there was no one." She said.

" Was thinking about myself and talking with myself." I said.

" Well, I won't insist you, Nemo. But I am always be there for you. You can go to me any time you want." She said and I smiled.

" I know. Can I ask you something?" I asked.

" Yeah, sure." She said.

" How did you feel when you fall in love with Steffan?" I asked.

" Suddenly this question?" She asked.

" Just like that." I lied. I wanted to assure about myself.

" I feel like things are no more boring. Things have gone very beautiful and everything is colorful." She said. Dang!!! I sighed inwardly.

" Then?" I asked.

" Heart pounds like hell when you are around your love." She said. Damn me!!!

" And?" I asked.

" You will always want to be with your love." She said. Hell with me!!!

" Then?" I asked.

" You will feel like, you can't touch his heart so you want to touch him to assure that he is with you." She said. I am crazy.

" Anything else?" I asked and prayed that she doesn't tell which I am most afraid of.

" You will be attached with him with some of his character or gesture or body part." She said. Those blue orbs!!! I want to kill myself now. What will I do!!! I pulled my hairs frustratedly.

" What happened? Are you ok?" She asked and I nodded.

" Yes, I am ok." I said.

" Well, why are you asking these to me now?! You want to give someone the chance?" She asked.

" No I am not brave enough. I am coward to get hurt again." I said.

" No you are not. You can't live like that, Nemo. It wasn't your fault. It was not. You were young then. Now you are strong. No one can break you." She said.

" Easy to say, Ellie. I know I will end up hurting myself." I said.

" Not every time it will end up like this. Life is a short period of time to be happy. Why don't you want to try?" She asked.

" I don't want to try cause I am coward." I said. I know I am not going to be like a stupid again. Never ever.

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