chapter 13: Monster

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Sara POV:

I woke up in a dark cell, lost, and confused. What was I doing here? Everything came rushing back and my heart broke into pieces. My mate had done this to me, the one that wasn't supposed to hurt me, wants me dead. I stood up fighting the tears on my eyes, I looked out the cell and saw a figure on the dark corner watching my every moment.

"W..who's there?" My voice came out weak and hated it. I needed to be stronger than that.

"Glad you finally woke up, sunshine." James started to make his way towards the cell, he had a satisfied smile on his face, happy at how patetic I sounded, like a child afraid of the monster under my bed except that the monster in front of me was very real, very deadly. He entered the cell with other men that I didn't even notice before.

"Let's the fun begin." The men grabbed my arms as James came closer to me. He slap me across the face once, twice and he pull me by my hair and throw me against the wall. He laughed while I scream in pain.

"W.why are you doing this to your mate?." I asked my question while trying to stand up, he was hurting me both physically and mentally. Was I not worthy? Why was he doing this to me!? My tears and blood covered my face after he punched me multiple times and broke my nose.

"Did mommy tell you about the first love who try killing her?"

No way! He was the man that put Rose into her sleeping stage back before she met my dad. My dad and Rose mentioned the story sometime ago when Gregg asked about their love story. I was half paying attention but I get the basics of it.

"Impossible! You are the one that caused some much pain to my family? No, why?" My tears keep coming stronger he talked.

"My dad lost everything and killed himself because of Rose family, I wanted to take away that family treasure that so happens to be Rose but She just won't die! I try killing her more than once, I torture her but she doesn't seem to break, she has that stupid smile on her, she doesn't deserve happiness! When I saw you at the mall shopping with Liliana, I remember that you were Rose child so I watched you till our gaze met and everything stopped you were my mate. How cruel to be destined to be mated to the daughter of the people I hate the most. I made my mind to destroy you for being her daughter and that will destroy Rose too losing something so precious to her, it be like killing two birds with one stone. Her rage will blind her to chase me and that will lead her to her dead. Both of your deaths will make that family fall to pieces." He give me an evil smile before kicking me again and again by the time he was done I couldn't feel anything anymore I just wanted dead to take me.

Rose POV:

Laughing at Logan's jokes while walking was the best thing in the world, being next to my mate had my heart pounding like the first time we met. We were so happy, our family together again.  As we enter the house for dinner, Gregg comes running towards us.

"Dad! We have a problem!" The fear on his eyes made me feel like the worse thing had happened.

"What's wrong?" Logan and I said in unison with worry setting in our hearts.

"Some of our pack mates said he saw what it seems to be a vampire on our land carrying a female away from here. We did a count of the whole pack, everyone is here except Sarah. Dad I think she was kidnapped."

His words made my whole life collapse. My daughter was in danger!

"Prepare every werewolf, we going to get my daughter not matter what!" Logan growled out. Before he could walk away I grabbed his arm to stop him.

"My dad, Logan. I mean Santos could do spell to get her location."

"Bring Santos!"

"Yes, Alpha."

As Santos arrived looking confuse as hell. I went in to get a much needed hug from the man I have loved as my father for the past 17 years. I understood Sarah feelings towards Liliana since I know that you can stop loving someone has been a great parent towards for years, I give her that if she hadn't kill herself I may have let her live just for the fact that not matter how painful it is she was a good mother to my children.

"Dad! Sarah was taken! Can you located her?" Santos looked shock at me calling him dad, his eyes shinned at my word. I was still his daughter in his heart, his eyes clouded as his mind registrated the news.

"Of course I will do it! You have something that belongs to her?"

"Would her favorite sweater work?"

"Yes." We went into an empty room where Santos light up some candles. He put the sweater in between them and made a circle. He started saying a spell in a language none of us understood. His eyes became white like he was being possess.

"She is in an abbadoned house a few hours away from here near the North. It's the area of exile vampires."

After we were told where Sarah was. Logan order his soldier to get armed and prepare to fight till death for our daughter. They all turned into their wolves while I used my vampire speed. What would take a normal human 2 days took us 4 hours with how fast we were going. Outside the house were some vampires guarding it, the moment they notice us all hell broke lose and the fight started.


Rose & Logan story it's coming to an end on the next chapter. Comment what you think.

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