chapter 14: Like mother like daughter

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Rose POV:

Blood. All I saw was blood everywhere I turned. Werewolves and vampires lay on the floor dead. Logan wolf was fighting three vampires. One try to bite his neck, Logan caught him in mid air. The other two were punching his back. I run towards him I grabbed one from his back, cracking his neck. I throwed his limp body on the floor while Logan was finishing with the last one and run towards another one. I sneakily made my way to the inside of the house. It was awful, everything was destroyed, the smell of rotten hit me hard making me want to throw up. How can someone live in a places like this? As I walked, my nose catched Sarah smell towards what seemed like a basement door. There stood two muscular vampires, bigger than me in every way. Once they notice me, their fangs came out and they advanced towards me like hunters to their prey. One try kicking my side, but I blocked him while the other grabbed me by my hair. Hissing in pain I stepped on his foot giving myself impulse to throw myself backwards, successfully freeing my hair while at the same time kicking his chest with my legs and hitting the other one with my head. They both where sent against the wall. They were knocked down. I made my way down the basement. I noticed that were cells.

"Rose, glad to see you joined us."  A surprise gasp sounded from my lips at seeing him.

"James." He give me an evil smile. I stepped closer to him. My anger was bigger than before. I throw him a punch but he avoid it and took the chance to grab my arm. He twisted my arm, and hearing it creaking made us know that he had broken it. I kicked him, making him let go. I used my fast speed to kick him on the stomach, that made him go backwards. A scream get me distracted and he took the chance to grab me by the neck while he was distracted on me, I saw Sarah run out of a cell when she saw me her eyes widened while mine became ever more red out of anger from seeing my daughter wounded face and body. In an instead I escaped James grasp and grabbed his neck ready to kill him. When I was about to twist his neck, Sarah stopped me.

Sarah POV:

Pain. My body was feeling pain in every part, in every cell. I was so close to giving up. James made it his mission to break me. He been torturing me for how ever long I been on this cell. When he is about to stab me with a knife, he smells something that makes him grown in anger and a look of pure hate clouds his eyes. He uses his fast speed to run out the cell leaving it open, he knows I'm too weak to try to escape. After a while of zooming in and out, I hear voices. Coming back to my senses, I tried to break the chains. I was too weak but with all my strength that I could master I did one last pull. They broke and I was finally free. I stood there recovering myself and than I took off running. Once I was out of my cell I saw my mom, Rose being held by the neck by James. Once she noticed me her face twisted into a dark Aura and in an instead she switched roles with James. She held him by the neck and when she was about to twisted. I scream.

"Stop!" I moved closer to them.

"WHY?" The question came out forced she was fighting her vampire side that was pushing her to kill the man that harmed her pup.

"I..Mom? I want to do it." I said unsure if it was the right time to call her mom for the first time in this situation but this woman was blided by hate for me, she cared enough to kill anyone and everyone who touched me in a wrong way. 

"What?" She said a little shocked. I walked towards her and took James from her hands.

"You can't kill your own mate. Sweetheart that's against nature" James smiled at me victoriously like he knew I would let him go, oh but he was so far from the true.

I felt a small pain in my head. I felt my fangs become larger and the hunger for blood became unnaturally strong. In less than a second my fangs touched his neck, my mouth started to taste his blood and in a sick crack my fangs broke the deepest parts of his throat. I throw his liveless body on the floor like the piece of trash he was. Once realizition hit, my eyes widened, I was a vampire.

"I'm a vampire." I told my mom out loud. I was still shocked.

"I guess, like mother like daughter. You a werewolf like your father and a vampire like your mother. Let's get you home now honey." She took my hand in hers. We walked out hand in hand to a massacred. Bodies lay every where. My dad and his warriors where standing near the forest in wolf form. We all went back home to mourn over the few that were lost. Later that night we all set on the dinning table talking and laughing trying to forget the events that took places. We were a broken family trying to pick up the pieces. Hate broke us and love brought us back together.  Slowly but surely we will learn to be a family again.

"I love you all." I whisper smiling at my family.


That was the ending of this story. Wat you think? Was is it as you imagine it?

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