Part 3

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Fast forward to day of camp

Lukas' POV

A line of about 100 students gathered around 5 different buses. Thankfully Philip was in a few of my classes and in my year level so we would be on the same bus. I couldn't sit next to him. People would question it. Well I could maybe. If it was my only option.
To Philipx
Get on the bus last so we can 'accidentally' sit next to each other... sit near my friends so it doesn't look to obvious <3
From Philipx
Fine, you owe me, love you.

I smile at the text as some of the kids start getting on the bus.
"Hey Lukas! You're coming to this? Sick! Im sittin' next to Kyle so sit behind us dude"
I nod in agreement my plan was working. I be with Philip.
I see Philip get on the bus and I immediately start to walk towards the door of the bus. Philip sits behind Kyle. I greet Kyle and sit down behind him. Next to Philip. Without talking to much attention to him. I quickly take of my jacket and put it over my hand and grab Philip hand under the jacket.
"Yeah dude its hot in here and its gonna be a long trip. Get ready for 9 fucking hours." I nod and smile at Philip. He's still looking at my jacket blushing slightly. I csqueeze his hand and settle into my chair. This is gonna be a long trip.

Five hours, a lot of yelling and Philip and I holding hands later almost every one was asleep. I quickly look around to see if anyone around us is actually awake and quickly peck Philip on the lips. Philip didn't say anything. He just looked at me in pure shock. I placed my hand over his mouth the keep him from talking and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before snuggling into my seat. Philips cheeks quick went a deep red and his face still looked completely in shock. I get my phone out and start to text him.
To Philipx
Hi baby
From Philipx
You just kissed me wtf?! Umm at least warn me!
To Philipx
I love you 2
From Philipx

Yes it was kind of dumb that we where texting when we where right next to each other. But hey. No one heard or saw us. I settle into my seat and start to fall asleep. 4 more hours to go.

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