Chapter 4

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     Eren dozed in his geometry class as his math teacher droned on. He sat in the back corner of the room, the teacher stood at the white board drawing a triangle. He sighed.
     The room was quite bland. The white walls were the only decorations, and the tile floors were always squeaky clean. It was like a science lab.
     His phone vibrated in his pocket, and he quickly checked it since the teacher wasn't looking. It was... weird. There was no number. He looked down at the message, and when he did, his heart stopped.
       That was all it said. Titans. Eren started to sweat and tear up, fear overtook him, and his head started to ache as he thought of all the possibilities. Why were they after him again? The gang had chased him out of Stohess, and he had prayed that it was over. But it apparently wasn't. He started to shake.
      He stood up in the middle of the class and stormed out before his teacher could protest, slinging his bag over his shoulder in the process. He slammed the door behind him. Quickly, the nervous teen jogged out of the school, ignoring custodians and teachers alike and ran to his truck.
       He jumped in immediately and drove like hell to his house, nearly blowing the motor while letting his RPMs go to high in first gear. He quickly shifted into second, then third, then fourth, then lastly, fifth, speeding through town like a madman, luckily no authorities were around.
      He quickly jumped out of his truck and ran inside, throwing everything he could into his backpack. He had dumped the books and journals on the plywood floor. He tossed clothes, sodas, canned food, ibuprofen, anything useful. And lastly, he got under his dresser, and pulled out a metal case.
     The brunette opened it, revealing a shiny silver nine millimeter pistol. He carefully picked it up, checking to see if it was loaded. The clip was empty, and he popped the chamber. Empty. Then he tipped his bed over, pulled out his pocket knife, and cut through the boxspring, revealing multiple boxes of ammunition. Five, to be excact.
     Just as he was about to leave, skip town forever, he got a phone call. The vibration in his pocket felt heavy, as if a brick were shaking in its place. He hesitantly pulled it out. Just like the text, there was no number, just a blank spot where it should be at the top of the screen. The phone answered itself without him.
     "Eren?!" A rough voice came in from the other side. He knew it all too well.
     "Eren?!" It repeated.
     His father.
     "Y-yeah?" He barely managed.
     "It's me, your dad," his father panted out. He was running. That, Eren knew.
     "What is it?" He could barely talk. Shock, anger, fear, and confusion, all colliding into one.
     "Listen, the Titans are after you again, has anything strange happened around Trost?" His father asked him in between pants.
     "I got a text that said Titans,"
     "Oh God," his father gasped.
     "Listen whatever you do, don't leave Trost, no matter what, I love you son,"
     "I love you too dad," Eren cried.
     "Listen, they found me I gotta-"
     The call ended.
     Eren dropped the bag on the floor, himself following close behind. His sobs filled the house. Night came, and he sat silently on the floor next to the door, the gun still in his hand. The shiney metal of the gun reflected the moonlight, hitting the wall. He played with it for a while, letting it hit a wall mirror and reflect on another wall.
     Suddenly someone was knocking on his door. He chedked the time on his phone. Midnight. He had been laying there crying for at least nine hours, and didn't realize it. Why was someone at his door at this time? He pushed it aside. His door was shaking violently now, but no voices came from the other side.
     He got his pistol ready, his life could be over, there may be a man ready to kill him. His body shook with fear. His head throbbed by the sheer amount of adrenaline that pumped in his veins. He put a clip in the gun, making sure one was in the chamber. He threw caution to the wind and unlocked the door, throwing it open.
     He put the gun to the head of the person in front of him, pushing them back with the barrel. They stepped back, and he followed.
     "What the hell do you want?" Eren ferociously asked.
     A sob of fear was his answer. Krista Lenz stood in front of him, he couldn't see her face, but the short body, thin frame, and blonde hair said it all. He quickly pulled the barrel away, dropping it to his waste. He felt terrible, and she stood there, sobbing.
      "Krista?" He asked softly. He stepped toward her, she stepped back.
     "Why did you do that?" She sobbed out.
     "Look, I uh, thought you were someone else," he murmured.
     "But why?" Her sobbing hadn't subsided at all.
     "Listen, I'm sorry, I'm a little paranoid at the moment," he tossed the gun away and wrapped her in his arms.
     She collapsed into him. He knew that the gun wasn't the only reason she was crying. It might have had something to do with her parents. He walked her inside, making sure to lock the door on his way in. Paranoia would have to be a new factor in his life.
     They sat on the couch and he turned a lamp on. The two saw in silence, the occasional sniffle came from both of them. Eventually she spoke up.
     "Why did you leave early today?" She asked him.
     "I was just tired," he lied.
     "Oh, okay," she replied.
     She stayed the night. She was on the couch and he was on the recliner. But he never did fall asleep. His life was once again changed. The Titans were chasing him again. And he had no idea what to do. He was alone in the dark world.
     The texts continued, but he stayed in Trost. Of course he carried a gun everywhere, and if not a gun, then he had a knife. The texts were consistent, and he knew he was being watched by the way the texts described his location. He didn't know what to do.
     They were teasing him. They didn't want to kill him, not yet anyway. They wanted to play with him, and they were most certainly playing with him. He would get random threatening calls and texts. But there was never a phone number. He didn't know how they did it.
     His paranoia had grown, he hardly slept, and jumped at the slightest touch. Jean had put his hand on his shoulder and he went ballistic. He socked him in the face.
     "What the hell Eren?!" Jean screamed out in pain.
     Jean, Eren, and Connie were at the bowling alley. And doing what everyone does at the bowling alley, loiter. They sat around and talked and drank so many sodas they felt slightly sick.
     Then, Eren saw some slightly sketchy guys enter the building. He started to feel scared. They were looking at him strangely, and talking amongst themselves. Eventually they started to approach them.
     "Look guys we gotta go," Eren jumped up frantically.
     "What why?" Connie asked him.
     "'Cause my boss just called I gotta get to work," he lied.
     "Well, okay," Jean reluctantly sat up and got ready, the other two did as well, Eren finished much faster.
     Come on y'all," he urged. The guys were only a few tables away now. One had a burn scar on the side of his face. The other tree that were with him had tattoos. All of the tattoos were the same. It looped around their right eye and went to their necks and ears.
     "I'm goin'" Eren ran.
     "Hey!" The guys yelled, running after him.
     "What the hell!?" Connie freaked out, sprinting behind the guys. Jean followed them.
     Eren darted through the parking lot, looking for his truck. It was nowhere to be found in the maze of cars. He was screwed, the thugs weren't far away. He could have sworn that he had seen Connie's fuzzball head a few times in the commotion.
     "Eren! Over here!" He heard Connie shout, he was in the passenger side and Jean was ready to drive.
     "There he is!" He heard one of the strangers shout. They were really close. He tossed Jean the keys and jumped in the bed.
     He heard Jean fumbling for a few seconds before the truck started and jumped forward. Then it stayed in place, the men were getting closer. He opened the back window and stuck his head in.
     "Go!" He roared in Jean's ear.
     "How the hell do you drive this thing?!" He cried.
     Eren was in the window, one of the men yanking at his foot, he barely mananged to instruct Jean to get it moving. He was then yanked out of the window. But before they got him out of the bed Jean had gained speed. The thugs let go.
     Eren jumped into the window.
     "Push in on the pedal on the far left!"
      Eren put it in second, then third, then fourth. They were goig fifty down the streets of Trost.
     Once they knew they were no longer being chased, Eren spoke up.
     "Jean, call Mikasa and Krista and tell them to meet at my place," he sighed.
     The two switched places. Connie had been silent the whole time. And they understood why. Jean called and told them. Eren was quickly at his house.
      "This is your house?" Jean asked, surprised at the shed.
     "Yeah," he replied.
     The three walked in and waited for Krista and Mikasa to arrive.
     Jean saw Eren fiddling with something in his hands. The occasional metallic clink would be heard. When Eren turned around Jean freaked out. Eren held his gun in his hand.
     "I'm not gonna shpot ypu," Eren explained.
     "I forgot to take this with me to the alley," his voice rose as he spoke.
     Krista and Mikasa walked through the door right then. They both saw the gun, and then looked at him. Krista seemed less nervous than Mikasa about it. He sat it down on he counter.
     "Have a seat," he sighed. The obliged.
     They sat next to Jean and Connie on the couch. Eren sat in the recliner next to said couch.
     "Yes Eren?" Krista asked timidly.
     "We were attacked by some gang members at the bowling alley," he informed them.
     "Was it Rein-" Eren interrupted Mikasa.
     "No, Reiner's gang as he calls it are a bunch of bitches compared to the Titans," Eren told her.
      "Now this is gonna be confusing at first, but by the end of it you'll understand,"
     "Okay Eren, we're ready," Krista spoke. Everyone nodded.
      "Okay so the way my mom died was..."



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