To Save A Heart -Niall Horan Fan Fiction-

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Chapter One; -Mum Doesn't Care About Me, Harry-

"Congratulations Harry!" Mum yelled as my brother, Harry Styles, was talking about today's boot camp for X-Factor. According to Harry he was being teamed up with Liam Payne, Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson and Zayn Malik to create a band. I bowed my head, staring into my lap not wanting to hear this. Don't get me wrong, I'm super excited for Harry, it's just that mum always gets excited about things Harry does, but nothing for me.

"What did you do in school today, Kate?" Harry asked using my nickname. 

"I got an A+ on my science project." I said, a small smile sat upon my face, only for Harry.

"That's awesome!" He smiled, "Good job, can I see it later?" He asked. Every time I worked on it he was either busy with school work, or busy at practice. He was never home.

"Sure." I smiled.

"So, Harry. What are the boys like?" Mum asked, totally ignoring what I had just said to Har.

"Well, Niall is hilarious. He's always eating and today he farted in front of Simon! Good thing he didn't notice." Har said, taking a bite of his dinner. "Zayn always checks his hair. He also is really funny."

"They sound very unique." Mum said.

"Oh they are! Lou is like my best friend! He's an amazing singer, as are all the boys, and he knows how to make me laugh. Then Liam is like very laid-back but he knows how to let loose."

"That sounds nice, I'm glad you're making friends." Mum smiled before removing our plates from the table and taking them to the kitchen.

"How about we see your science project?" Harr smiled. I nodded and we walked to my room. I showed him my poster board that explained Newton's Laws of Motion and my drawings which also explained everything. "Wow, Kate. It looks amazing!"

"Thanks, Har." I said hugging him. He hugged back then pulled away. He looked at me, puzzled then walked over to the corner of my room that nothing occupied. He looked at the wall and back at me.

"What's this?" He asked crouching down and looking at my wall.

"What's what?" I asked crouching beside him, then finding exactly what he meant.

"That." He asked, raising his voice while pointing at the smear of blood flowing down my wall, staining it and my carpet.

"Oh.. Well." I said looking down.

"Kate." He said putting his hand out, I knew exactly what that meant, we went over this for a while when I was thirteen. I put my hand in his and he took off my bracelets reveling the red line on my wrist. The blood finally scabbing over, my skin bright pink. "Why?" He asked.

"Because! Harr, don't you see? Mum doesn't care about me. She only cares about you and the X-Factor!" I could feel my eyes stinging with tears, I wouldn't let them through. I wouldn't, but somehow they managed to break through the barrier. I could feel one, two, three slip through and down my cheeks. I quickly wiped them away.

"You don't know that." He said pushing my bangs out of my face.

"Yes I do. When I told her about my project she said, 'Maybe you should actually do something with your life like your brother.' That's when this happened." I said nodding towards my wrist that contained the only well feeling in my life besides my own brother. "Why can't I just be with you all the time?" I sighed.

"How about this. I have practice tomorrow. Would you like to go? I'm sure Uncle Simon wouldn't mind." He smiled. I smiled back and nodded. He hugged me. "Now, give me your blade." He said putting his hand out. I walked over to my desk and opened the drawer and pulled it out and put it in his hand. "All of them." He added. I sighed and put the other 3 in his hand. He smiled and threw them out of the window and into the pond below. "Now, I want you to get some sleep. Here." He said and he went into my closet pulling out a pair of pajamas and handing them to me. "I'm going to use the loo, you better be dressed when I get back."

I nodded and changed. When I finished I sat on my window seat and watched the stars. It always seemed to calm me down. I pulled my knees to my chest and sighed. I heard the toilet flush and Harr walked back in. He handed me something. I didn't really pay attention to what it was until I looked.

"Your iPod?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said, "Uncle Simon bought us all iPhones and I thought it would be pretty selfish to have both an iPod and an iPhone while you have no phone nor mp3 player." He smiled and sat beside me.

"I love you, Harr." I said as I hugged him.

"I love you too." He smiled, "And the lads will love you too, trust me." He smiled, knowing that I was nervous about meeting the lads. I had heard so much about them. But really all I knew was that they were all from the UK except for Niall whom was from Mullinger, Ireland. I was super jealous because I was always fascinated by the Irish, and Americans too.

"Hopefully." I laughed. He smiled and laughed too.

"Alright, time for bed." He said. I loved when Harr treated me like a young child. It made me feel secure. I crawled into my bed and covered up, he kissed my forehead and whispered goodnight. He shut my light off and closed my door. I could hear his footsteps proceed down to his room. That's when I fell asleep.

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